Chapter 4

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James pov

" My life has been an obstacle course since day one. Since I was born my dad has been wanting me to take over the family business. I never wanted that, but he kept pushing it until my mother stepped in. They got into an argument, I couldn't sit there and let them fight so I did what my father wanted. Now I'm the future owner of Clockwise industries"
Xavianna: You're forced to go to business school.
James: Do I look like a person who can run a business
Xavianna: Yes, yes you do.
James: That's not what I want
Xavianna: What do you want
James: To become a musician. That's all I want, learned from my mom
Xavianna: She was a musician
James: Yeah she was, I leaned all sorts of instruments. From the guitar down to the piano.
Xavianna: Amazing and talented
James: Thanks to my mom

Peter approached them, the guy Xavianna talked to in the cafeteria.

Peter: Am I interrupting something

James' pov

This guy doesn't want me talking to a girl. First it was Xavianna now he's trying to take Cinderella, not gonna happen.

James: Yeah you are
Peter: Sorry, I was wondering if I could get a minute to talk to Cinderella.
James: No, you already have Xavianna why do need to talk to Cinderella
Peter: I was asking Cinderella. Besides she isn't even here so I wanted to get to talk to Cinderella.
Xavianna: It's okay I can talk to you both
Peter: Can we talk alone
Xavianna: Okay

Before they left James alone Liam called Xavianna.

Liam: It's almost midnight
Peter: It's 23:50 can I have just five minutes.
Xavianna: Okay five minutes

Peter He pulled her gentley to the side.

Peter: Theres something you should know about James, he isn't a good guy, you shouldn't be getting to close to him
Xavianna: Why, does he have a bad reputation with girls.
Peter: More than that he has history and relations with bad peolpe. I just didn't want him hurting you.
Xavianna: He doesn't seem like that kind of a person.
Peter: You're blinded like every girl in this school. You're too naive and weak
Xavianna: Your five minutes are over.
Peter: Sorry what I'm trying to tell you is stay away from him for your own good. You'll thank me later.


Xavianna's pov

I looked at the time and ran towards the hall doors. There was a crowd of people coming towards me but I had to push through. When I was outside. The car was already starting to leave and I had to chase it. But Liam stopped so that I could get in

Liam: I almost left you
Xavianna: I know, sorry for keeping you waiting for so long.
Liam: It's alright
Xavianna: Tonight was not the night I expected

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