Chapter 9

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Mia's pov

We started planning a few days later on how we are going to keep Peter away from Xavi but it wouldn't be easy if they had a presentation together. Although we are presenting today, we need to pull him off her.

"Thank you Jessica and Max. Can I have Peter and Xavianna" They went up infront of the class and Peter started. "Cinderella, a fairytale loved by all of us. Girls dreamt of having to see the glass slipper on their feet. She is known as the masked princess.But what if she's not who we think she is" The class was confused so was I. What is he trying to tell us?

" Recently we had our own Cinderella. She was beautiful and majestic. She came here to find prince charming. Maybe she did. But under that mask is nothing but a lie. We fell for her tricks, she isn't just a princess she's a person who's willing to give up everything to take every from us. She should take off her mask and show us who she is. " Peter left the class shaken.

" You're wrong Peter. Cinderella is an amazing person who's trying to find who she is. The mask is a symbol of hope. She wears the mask to show everyone that anyone can be in her shoes. She's not just fairytale or a dream. Cinderella showed grace and courage. Her story resonates with all who dare to dream beyond their circumstances, reminding us that despite life's trials, goodness and perseverance prevail.
Her enduring spirit, showcased through unwavering kindness to all, transcends time. She teaches us that true beauty lies within one's heart and actions, not just in appearances. Her iconic glass slipper represents the possibility of a transformative destiny awaiting those who remain steadfast in their beliefs and dreams. So, let us remember Cinderella's not merely a fairy tale figure but a beacon of hope, showcasing that with determination, kindness, and belief in oneself, even the most extraordinary dreams can come true. Maybe you don't understand Cinderella" The  class clapped their hands and the teacher joined. Then he told the two that they got an A.

After the English class Xavi was walking to the door but Peter stopped her. "I didn't know you were defensive about Cinderella" Xavi just signed and looked at him dead in the eyes. "You were talking bad about her. I wasn't going to just stand there. Besides what you were saying wasn't what we planned" I was close enough to her what hey we're saying. I wasn't easdroping I just over heard.

" We were assigned to speak freely about how we feel about Cinderella, when I do I'm in the wrong" Peter scoffs and pushes past Xavi and walks out of the class. "Don't fall for it. He's trying to shift the guilt to you" I told her and walked with her to our next class with Jess and Willow.

"He just proved to us that he hates Cinderella" we all nodded but Xavi just signed as we walked to her locker. When she opened her locker a letter fell on the floor. It was a letter, we peeked our heads to see what was written inside.

"Them having your mask in their hands made them very excited. Their expressions were priceless. I wonder how they would react when the dress of Cinderella is in their grasp"

Xavianna's pov

He's going after my dress. I quickly called my mom. When I told her about what the mad man wrote she rushed to my room to find that his initials were written on my wardrobe. He already took it.

"Attention students,  I am here to inform you that I have found Cinderella's dress in the school hall if you want to see it we will play a little game. The fun part of this game is that no one gets out without getting in first. The school is on lockdown. Until we find Cinderella. From now on your friends are your enemies and your enemies are your friends. Good luck" the mad man finished talking then people thought it was a joke. But when they tried opening to windows or doors they failed. Then panic took over but one of the teachers called then down.

" Our phones aren't working, he planned this whole thing" Jess said looking a bit scared. "Don't worry as long as we don't give up any information about me or any other Cinderella" Xavi whispered to us. " Let the games begin, all of you go to you lockers and you will find a clue for you to start. You have 10 minutes to figure out  what to do when you get your clue or else you are eliminated" no one wasted any time. When we got to out lockers we got messages that we have 9 minutes left.


*In the shadows dance, she walks by
Yet eyes, the mirrors, hold the light
Awhispered tale, a hidden grace. Dancing her night away*

It took me less than 5  seconds to figure it out. "The school hall" they gave me a confused look. " Danced her night away. The first Cinderella danced with prince charming at a grand hall" they finally figured it out. We ran to the school hall  but found nothing in there until a person dressed like the Mad Hatter. He handed me the next clue.


*The echoes of her slipper, steal the moment 
Their laughter sings, a familiar trace.
Of two men gracefully fighting for her hand*

It's was talking about the time when Peter and James were talking to me in the hallways. "Hallways let's go" when we got there a note was stuck onto a random locker.


**Beneath the guise of crafted art,
   A soul's reflection, an echoed heart.
   Amidst the masquerade's disguise,
   Their spirit lingers, known by wise.*

The mask was put onto of a small pillow under a spotlight. " This is taking to long, you have 15 minutes to finish" the Hatter said etting us to finish faster. The timmer on our phones changed showing us 14 minutes.I read to clue that was below the mask.


*In whispered echoes of their speech, Familiar cadence, within reach. Their tales and stories, woven true, A tapestry of clues, a familiar hue*

The library was where we ran to find the Mad Hatter holding my dress in his hands. "We finally meet young one. The last Cinderella to wear to glass slipper" he said with a smirk on his face.

" I've been waiting to see you Cinderella" I wasn't quick to see that James, Levi, Jay and Jake were behind us and heard everything.

"You're Cinderella" James said it with a surprised and confused expression

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