Chapter 6

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Xavianna's pov

I couldn't tell him why we couldn't be together. He will hate me now but I have to do what's right.

I'm on my way to school that's  when I saw James walking across the road. We locked eyes but he looked away instantly. It kinda hurt that he didn't even wanna look at me.

At school we had first period together, english. The teacher came in,  he informed us about the literature presentation we had to do. The whole class was paired, unfortunately I was paired with James.

" Can I change my partner" James asked making the whole class gasp. " Xavi what happened between you two. I thought y'all were close" Mia whispered to me. "Things changed between us" that's all I said to her before being paired with Peter.

"Well I'm lucky" Peter said sitting next to me. " You presentation will be based on a Charles Perrault book" I started praying that it wouldn't be a book about her. " You will be presenting on the story of Cinderella" I face palm myself at what he said,  really about Cinderella isn't there any book other than that one.

" You will discuss who was Cinderella and your opinion about her story. It's due on Monday so you have three days" the bell rang and everyone packed their things leaving me Peter and James.

" I'm sure that you have a lot of information since you spent time with Cinderella" Peter said to James who ignores him while walking to the door leaving.

" We can work on the presentation afterchool tomorrow" I said knowing he was going to ask. "Alright,  can I sit with you at lunch" I didn't want to say yes but there actually wasn't a reason to say no. "Sure why not" I said with a little smile. I walked to my next class.

The day went by until it was lunch. Mia, Willow and Jess interogeted me about what happened in English class.

"You need to explain yourself , why did James say that? Are you guys fighting or something? Did you tell each other how you feel? Doesn't he like you back?  "Mia asked a lot of questions which made me look where James was sitting and he was looking at me with his friends trying to talk to him. I looked away from him.

Peter's pov

"Why are you guys asking so many questions, it's not like they were dating" I didn't know that a question like would trigger these animals.
" Who are you anyway to interfere in Xavi's love life"
Willow said to me in a harsh tone. "So they were dating" I
asked Willow who spat harsh words at me. " What if they were what's it to you" Jessica asked suspiciously. " I just wanna look out for her. Not everyone has a good heart" the girls looked at each other questioning looks.

James' pov

Levi kept asking what happened between Xavi and I but I didn't want to answer his questions. " You like her, you always will. What ever happened I know you guys can fix it. Besides you were more than friends from the start" Jake made me realize that Xavi and I were never just friends we were more than that. But now that wont help she doesn't want to be with me anyway. But my feelings haven't changed for her. I can't even take my eyes off her.

Lunch was over and we went to our lockers. Mine was next to Peter's locker. He came up to his locker and took out his books. " Done spreading lies about me to Xavi" I asked him taking my things out of the locker. "Dont confuse the truth with lies James. Shell find out sooner or later" he said walking away from me. I'll just have to tell her myself.

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