Chapter Six

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Ok u guys have to swear nt to come after me. Go ahead swear on the river Styx!!!! *cowers under bed* but i feel this is my most well written chappie. So enjoy...



(u guys will hate me after this)


"Wait a moment. The Empire State Building is where Olympus is!" I say. "The gods live on the 600th floor!"

"Of course!" Your gods are transmitting this signal using the Empire State Building! Because it is the perfect shape to transmit a perception filter signal, it's tall and relatively thin, like a needle. The signal is sent from the top of the building, where the spire is! But if somebody's blocked the signal... well it would have to be right on top of the building." The Doctor speculated, collapsing in his chair and putting his feet up again.

"So all we have to do is go to the Empire State Building and find whatever is blocking the signal? That can't be to hard." I say optimistically, my excitement growing. Abruptly the people outside the TARDIS's doors started to scream. My stomach flipped over nervously. I glanced at my watch and cursed my stupidity. We had been talking for over and hour, and my time was up.

"Doctor, we need to move. Now." I say my voice shaking from fear.

"On it!" He said, running around the circular console pressing buttons, until, finally, he pulled the silver lever. The TARDIS shook and made the noise like a goat being strangled. The Doctor ran out the doors, and I followed him. We were on top of the Empire State Building, on the platform only used for maintenance. I glanced down at the city below, and felt a swooping sensation in my feet. I turned towards the Doctor. He was sonicing a black box that looked relatively new. The box sparked, and the top popped off. The Doctor moved the wires around a bit and suddenly slammed his fist on the box, making me jump, despite my lack of energy.

"OF COURSE!" He yelled angrily, "Oh ,of course"

"What is it Doctor?" I question timidly

"I was so thick! I didn't realise... but it all makes sense now..." he muttered

"Doctor, what did you not realise?" I ask, slightly annoyed now.

"It was the krillitane! All along. That's how they could stay hidden for so long! They used this." He said, pointing to the black box. "High quality hacking system. It changed how much the filter affected them, taking the filter away from the demigods, and the other monsters, and hiding themselves more! It's brilliant." He explained, grinning.

"You're telling me how a hostile alien race used a powerful "filter", as you call it, to their advantage and you're smiling? I don't believe you." I say shaking my head. "Can you reverse the signal or something?"

"Oh Nessa you are brilliant." He said smiling still, turning towards me.

"Uh what's so brilliant about me suggesting you being able to reverse a signal?" I ask, feeling confused.

"Because if I do it right, the 'Mist' would return to normal, and the krillitane will be incinerated. But before we do that we have to give them a chance to leave. We can't have them hurting innocent people, but we can't just massacre them without giving them a chance. Of course reversing the signal will take time." the Doctor explained.

"And that Timelord, is the thing you don't have." A raspy voice snarls from behind us. The Doctor and I turn abrubtly. A krillitane faced us, it's leathery wings beating at regular intervals, it's gargoyle head snarling.

"I'm warning you now," the Doctor said angrily, "leave this planet now, or we will reverse the signal!"

"Timelords. Always so arrogant, thinking they can control everything." The krillitane sneered, "There is fresh meat here everyday. We will not leave."

"Doctor," i muttered out of the side of my mouth, "I'll distract it while you reverse the signal!"

"On three then?" He mutters back.

"One, two, THREE!" I shout, pulling out my sword. It expanded in my hands and I charged. The monster expected my attack and slashed it's enormous talons at me. I roll to the end of the platform, sit up, and swung me sword at it's huge head. It ducked, and snapped it's huge teeth at me. I sidestepped the attack, and glanced at what the Doctor was doing. He was yanking wires out of the box with his screwdriver between his teeth. I had looked a second too long. The monster almost hit me with it's leathery wing, and I was forced to dive to avoid it.

"Almost there!" The Doctor called to me. I swung the flat of my blade at the monsters midsection. It found it's target and whacked the krillitane back a few feet. It slashed it's talons at me again, but this time I wasn't so lucky. The talons scraped the left side of my chest causeing me to double over in pain. Everything was going blurry.

"GOT IT!" The Doctor yelled, pulling one last wire. The krillitane in front of me exploded into red dust, but the damage was done. I put my hand up to my left side. It came back covered in blood. Everything was slipping in and out of focus.

"You alrig-" the Doctor started to ask, glancing in my direction. I collapsed onto the hard concrete platform. The Doctor rushed to my side, sonicing my left side. He glanced at the results and paled. He held my hand.

"You were going to... show me the stars." I choke out, my breath coming out in short gasps.

"Who says I can't?" He asked tears running down his face. He takes his hands and puts them up to my temple. He shuts his eyes and concentrates. Suddenly I see stars. Shining civilisations and people. Floating cites and flying vehicles. Gorgeous sunsets on distant cities, and beautiful sunrises on barren deserts. I see a shining city, under an orange sky, with two bright suns blazing. He pulls his hands away and takes mine again.

"Thank you, Doctor." I gasp.

"It's ok. You're going to be fine. Just fine." He said. "And then you and I will go run off to see the stars." I can't see his face now. Just blurs.

"Run... you clever boy... and remember me." I squeeze his hand, and everything goes dark.



YOU GUYS SWORE U WOULDN'T COME AFTER ME!!!! Ik I'm a terrible person. I feel like Moffat. And before u ask yes she is really dead and no she isn't coming back. Epilogue will be posted later tonight. I'm sorry I'm so sorry. I sadly actually enjoyed writing that. I think i have the same genetic mutation as Moffat: taking pleasure in killing fictional characters. (And i only say that because we r learning about generic mutations in science). and i have two votes!!!!! TWO WHOLE VOTES!!!! I feel so proud!!!! (Haha lozzanator is probably laffing at me for getting excited about two votes) and 15 reads!!!! FIFTEEN WHOLE READS!!!!!!! I love u guys so much even if there are only 15 of u, and most of u probably only read the prologue and were like "this is so stupid". Lol so true. Ok i will post epilogue now. Please don't kill me. I did warn u.



Me: *sobs* I'm sorry!!!! I'm so sorry Doctor!!!!!


Me: *sobs some more* yeah all rights for those go to bbc. Will you ever forgive me doctor?????


Me: *sobs harder* what he said *runs off sobbing*

Doctor: she forgot to mention that the disclaimer idea goes to grace. Per usual.

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