Pas de Deux

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Part 1: Lead

Final (Twenty Third) Movement, Pas de Deux

pas de deux

/ˌpä də ˈdə/


a dance for two people, typically a man and a woman.


The two of you are congregated in Baxter's bedroom as he packs his suitcase. You sit on the edge of his bed and watch him slowly, laboriously fold and stow away his belongings. It's evening, and Baxter has a flight tomorrow morning. When he's finished packing, that will be it.

Your Summer Fling will come to an abrupt end.

When you'd arrived at his rental condo, it had been after lunch with the Holdens, and instead of a picnic dinner your parents were holding on the beach as one last hoorah before things changed.

You'd initially waxed nostalgic with your boyfriend about your incredible summer together, and every word, every movement was made at a snail's pace. At some point, you'd run out of things to say, and gotten lost in your own thoughts. 

Baxter Ward's appearance in your life had brought about so much change, but now he has become your new normal–a new normal that was going to vanish in an instant.

"Thank you for visiting me once more, [Name]," Baxter begins, eventually interrupting his reverie with his gentle tone and sweet smile. You realize that, somehow, you'd been too stuck in your head to notice his packing reach its conclusion. His bags are nearly resting with his black dress shoes by the door. "Would you mind if I saw you out?"

"Um, that'd–that'd be nice," you agree, swallowing thickly. Slowly, you rise from his bed and follow him towards the exit.

"Very good," he responds simply. 

It's a bittersweet feeling to find yourself on Baxter's porch again–standing on the precipice of goodbye. Not so long ago, you'd reunited on these very same steps, hadn't you?

You aren't sure what to expect right now, but the trademark taut, business-like smile upon his face feels like a surprise blow to your already breaking heart.

"I suppose this is the most fitting place to say goodbye. It is…unlikely we'll see one another again before I am gone," he states, avoiding your gaze.

"P-Probably," you sigh, thinking about how difficult it's already going to be for him to board a plane before noon. "Well, you can always text me when you land, huh?"

His smile falters for the briefest of moments, and though he doesn't respond, he opens his arms for an embrace.

This is the last time he'll be standing here, you think despondently. This is the last time I'll go to sleep with the comfort that Baxter Ward is across the street waiting for me.

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