Step 3, Waltz

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In-Between 3/5
Summer 3 | Step 3, Waltz

"Well, look who it is!"

Your eyes light up at the sight of your favorite cousin waltzing into the room with a shit-eating grin. 

"Hey, Lee!" you greet with a fond timbre. Though you're always delighted to see her, you're feeling a bit fatigued from your work. You slide your laptop onto your parents' coffee table, and roll your shoulders in attempts to shake out the stiffness.

"Oh, gosh!" she proclaims in an overzealous drawl. "Is the coveted [Full Name], author of the Sunset Blurb , talking to little old me?"

Your cheeks flush under her good-natured ribbing, and you groan, "I guess Liz couldn't keep her mouth shut, huh?"

Leandra [Last] plops down onto the couch beside you, and ruffles your hair affectionately, "Naturally! Though she didn't have to. I'm not even finished with my degree, and you're already making a name for yourself!"

"I-It's just a dumb blog," you dismiss, averting your gaze. "I didn't even expect anyone to read it."

Though you were currently working on your own degree, you'd taken up an unexpectedly lucrative side project. It'd started after you realized how much fun you had running around with your friends, trying new things around Sunset Bird with the unassuming intrigue of an actual tourist there. 

You'd made an Instagram to document your adventures, and when the post took off, an attached WordPress where you'd expanded upon your outings and why places in Sunset Bird were worth visiting.

It'd been Miranda who had suggested the punny tagline, and Terry's seconding of the name that resulted in you becoming the author of the catchy, fun Sunset Blurb account.

It was every would-be influencer's pipedream, and, for you, a dream made reality. Though you were still taking college courses on the side, soon you'd be able to quit your day job. S oon, you'd be able to get your own place. 

" Perish the thought," Lee jokes with a faux look of horror. "When you're famous, I hope you'll remember that I was your biggest fan."

"Is this because you saw that sponsored post about the mall?" you squint at her, eyes narrowing suspiciously. "The smoothie shop?"

"Not in the way you're thinking," Lee retorts, and her overzealous smile tempers into something affectionate. "You're off base of you think I'm sucking up for a discount at Jamba Juice or whatever. I was just thinking how far you've come, dear cousin! How many years ago was it that I had to practically hog-tie your neighbor just to win the right to pay for your drink there?"

" Lee !" you gasp, though a few giggles escape the space between the syllables. "You're still holding a grudge about that?"

" Damn straight!" she proclaims with a boisterous laugh and her hands on her hips. "Him and his stupid long legs still reached the counter first."

Work, for the moment, is forgotten as your afternoon passes by in pleasant conversation with your cousin. You queue up something on Netflix and wax nostalgic about your childhood shenanigans until an embarrassing disturbance breaks the reverie.

"You know, [Nickname]," Lee pipes up after your stomach lets loose a particularly noisy growl. "I may not have gotten the chance to pay for your smoothie that time, but no one's stopping me from treating you to dinner!"

"You don't have to do that!" you assure her emphatically. "I have my own money, you know!"

"Nonsense," she dismissed with a roll of her eyes. "This time, I'll finally have my victory–"

The front door of your parents' house swings open, and in saunters the Holden men, arms weighed down with brown paper bags wafting with steam.

"Look alive, kiddo!" Mr. Holden chirps as he strolls past to dump the bags on the island countertop. "I'm getting your moms back for the tropical place last weekend~!"

"Oh hey, Lee!" Cove greets with a timid wave as he mirrors his father's actions. Though he's still in his work clothes and seems a bit fatigued from another busy day at the family business, he musters a charming smile for the two of you. "You up for some chow mein?"

In response, Lee throws her head back and groans abysmally. "Mark my words, Cove Holden, you won't beat me next time!"

Cove and his dad exchange a puzzled glance, and then the former turns to you. "Did…did I do something?"

You snort at the comedic turn to your dinner plans, and pat your cousins back soothingly, "Old wounds run deep, I guess."

It's a typical summer day for you and your loved ones, and, somehow, your heart feels full again. 

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