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By lunch time, Mel was too obsorbed into his work to want to leave. However, he was far too hungry to even consider skipping lunch. Easily, the worst thing about being late for work in the mornings is missing breakfast. Maybe if he had eaten before work, he wouldn't mind missing a meal just to stay focused on his research.

Although, he could probably just bring his lunch back to his office. That way he doesn't have to be gone for too long. Yes, that's a great idea, he thinks to himself.

Mel leaves his office and makes his way down to the NSAST's cafeteria, running through the notes he had taken on his glasses as he walks through the hallway. At the moment, Mel's a bit stuck with his research. He couldn't seem to figure out how to physically show his discovery with the possible wormhole. He knew the answers in his head, but he just couldn't translate it out.

He felt like he was taking a maths class all over again. Calculating the right answer but still getting the question marked wrong all because he didn't show his work...

Except now, he's actually trying to avoid getting any of those marks.

When he arrived to the cafeteria, it was packed full of other scientists. Not just from his building, but from all around the agency. Working here gave everyone one free meal, so most of the workers tend to take advantage of it. Although, Mel didn't like the food they served all that much. No better than what he remembered school food being like, he always thought.

However, a free meal is still a free meal.

He stepped up to the food bar and glanced around for something more disposable he could carry his food in. However, there was only bright red trays for him to use. If he could help it, Mel isn't going to be coming back to the cafeteria today, so the trays are out of the question. He peers over the counter and catches the eye of one of the cooks, then becons her over. She's a thin, and pale, covered in freckles, and her ginger hair is kept neatly under her hairnet.

"Can I help you?" She asks.

"Don't you have any containers I can use instead?"

"Containters? Like...?" She prompted.

"You know, something that you use for take out or something," he answers.

"Oh, no. Sorry but we're not allowed to use those. You're not supposed to take food out of the cafeteria."

His eyes narrow. "I know that." He's been working here for more than a decade afterall. "Can't I get something, anyway?"

She stiffened, unsure how to answer Mel. She adverted his gaze. "Um..."

Seeing how she started to act, he quickly took a mental step back and just picked up one of the trays he's been trying to avoid. "Actually, it's fine. Don't worry about it." There wouldn't be any way to convince her, and he doesn't need to make her feel introuble because he insisted on trying. But that's not to say he isn't annoyed still.

He let out a loud sigh as he picks his food. Mashed potatos with gravy and chicken. Plus an apple he knows he'll be able to take back with him.

"I'll just eat all this on the way out," he says aloud to no one in particular. 

The moment he leaves the line, he begins to scarf down the hot food. However, he only made it about a quarter through the cafeteria before someone suddenly grabbed his attention.

"Yazzie! Where are you going in such a hurry?"

He turns to the voice and sees his work buddies all sitting down at the same table they always sit at. Of course, out of the two hours he had to get lunch, his group was also here. 

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