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Mel doesn't know where he was brought. He feels like he's in space, but he knew without a doubt he's on another planet. It's much colder here, too, despite being indoors now. 

His two alien guards dragged him down a dark corrador. While he was walking along side them, he might as well should be carried by them. The two proximians were much taller than him and forced Mel along at their pace. His feet barely skimmed the ground as they marched.

Frankly, he found it insulting. "I can walk on my own, you know!" He shouts. But as usual, they ignored him. These aliens haven't spoken a single word to Mel the entire time he's been around them. He started to wonder if either of them even spoke Universal.

The hallway they walked down is made of metal. Black metal. Neon lights stripped down the walls. While Mel could see perfectly fine, he felt like he couldn't see at all. The coloured lights made it hard to focus on anything, and with it clashing against black metal, looking strained his eyes. 

He was brought to a room. A room he couldn't describe, even if he wanted to, because it had the same awful black metal with the clashing RBG neon light strips.

He cussed under his breath. "Who designed this place?" He demanded. The two aliens threw him in a chair. One kept a hand on Mel to keep him in the chair, and the other bounded him to it with rope. But Mel didn't notice right away. He was too cynically focused on the design of the building.

"Whoever's idea this was needs to be taken out back and shot," he harshly critisizes. He didn't realise just how harsh he sounded until the words had already left his mouth. "That might be much," he sheepishly whispers. "BUT IT'S TRUE! THEY DESERVE IT!" Mel finally noticed the rope that now had him bound to a chair when he couldn't move along with his outburst. "Is this rope really necessary? The hell am I supposed to do in this state?!"

Mel was beginning to really lose it. Anyone could tell with just a simple glance at him. He's a dischiveled mess, and it wasn't just because of his injuries. 

He's been too anxious to sleep ever since he's been blown up. He hasn't had a bite to eat long before then. Everyone is either agressive towards him or outright ignores the poor man. And to top if all off, he's been having to walk around with injuries that should have put him in the hospital hours and hours ago. The awful, terrible design this building had was the cherry ontop of his giant trash-cake.

To say he's cranky would be the least of it.

The aliens left Mel alone in the room without a word.

"Of course!" Mel shouts after them. "JUST KEEP IGNORING ME!"

The door closed behind them, isolating Mel completely.

His breathing is quick and heavy. With how cold the building is, he left a small cloud with every breath he left. Yet despite the cold air, he's sweating profusely. His entire body felt like static. Mel wasn't even sure if he was really here anymore. His body might have been, but his mind was far, far away. Were they even connected anymore?

His eyes fell onto his shoes, then through them. Mel wasn't sure what he was staring at anymore, but he didn't want to tear his eyes away. It's the only place they found comfort in with this horrid place.

"I think I would prefer if I had just died in that explosion," he mumbles to himself. He then asks himself, "Should we rewind time and change it, then?" He histarically laughs to himself.

"I'm going crazy, aren't I?" he squeaks out. 

It made sense, but he didn't like the answer.

He took in a deep, shaky breath. Carefully, Mel pulls his legs up into the chair with him and does his best to cross his legs.

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