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To his word, Mel finally began to promptly work on getting these ships faster speed. Or at least the engine. It was the first place he turned his attention to. He ripped one straight out of a dead ship he was given to working ages ago.

Bead ended up appearing again. While he's greatful yesterday's events didn't scare her away, Mel had no idea why she kept showing back up. Afterall, his strange behaviour- at least compared to who he's surrounded by- is more than enough to scare people off.

He had to ask her, "How come you keep coming back, kiddo?"

She thought for a moment, her expression falling. "Eh... I don't know. Why?"

He quickly waves his hands, as if pushing his old words away. "I don't mean it like that," he quickly corrects. "Don't get me wrong, I don't mind your company. I just don't really get why you want to hang out with me, of all people."

There was a blank stare in her eyes. It wasn't until she asked him, "What?" that Mel remembered she's still learning Universal.

"Ah- right. Sorry." For a moment, conversation between them had become so easy that it completely slipped his mind. He ran a hand through his hair as he thought of a way to rephrase his words. Finally, he looks back to Bead and speaks with his hands.

"I do like you here. But, eh, what about your parents?"

"Oh. I don't have that."

He couldn't help but stiffen at her words. "You're-? Ah-" he quickly avoids his gaze, unsure how to continue. That was a terrible thing to bring up, wasn't it? He cursed to himself for making this so awkward all of a sudden.

"But," she continues, slowly. "We're... we're with her today." She points off into the distance, around a corner Mel can't see behind.

He leans over his desk to try and get a better look, but as far as he could tell, no one else was there.

"Oh... I'm not," Bead speaks

"Should you find her?" Mel genuenly asks.

"Why?" She genuenly asks back.

The question threw him off. "Well, because..." he couldn't find an answer for her. Who she travelled with is her guardian, that should've been reason enough. But remembering the last lady he saw her with, he wouldn't want to follow or listen to her either.

No wonder Bead hung around him so often. Seeing her situation, Mel would run away to his friends every chance he got, too. For crying outloud, he did just that over much less when he was still a kid himself.

From the silence that fell between them, Mel suddenly remembered he was supposed to be working and turned his attention back to disassembling the engine on his table.

"What are you doing?" Bead asks, slinking around the table.

That was all it took for him to start rambling to her, forgetting once again she didn't understand Universal well yet. Although, even if she did, she wouldn't have understood much more from his lecture.

However, she didn't stop him. Bead stood at the edge of the table, listening to every word of his as if she did understand him, and watching his hands as they told a story of their own. Not just matching with Mel's words, but as they worked on the machine infront of her too, taking out parts and breaking apart those peices too. To her, it felt like the man infront of her knew just about everything in that moment, and she wanted to learn everything she could. If only she could understand him...

Suddenly, Mel cuts himself off. He sheepishly turns to Bead. "You understood none of that, did you?" He finally remembered.

Her only answer was a giggle she hid behind her hands. He laughs out of embarrassment and quickly turns back to his work.

"I'm sorry."

"It's OK."

Despite the language barrier, the two continued to try and talk to each other. Bead didn't seem bored that Mel had to keep working, nor did she seem to mind how little words they had to use, so Mel didn't see a reason to leave her alone.

Eventually, an older woman came by and spoke to Bead, something in their native tongue. Mel didn't recognise this women at all. She has her long hair, twisted in several braids, tied loosely behind her back. And unlike most of the Proximians he met so far, her ears are pointed up instead of drooped down like the rest. She had a few other kids Bead's size by her feet.

Bead's expression fell at this woman's words. She sadly looks up to Mel and murs out a small, "Bye."

He showed her a kind smile as he waves goodbye to her. "I'll see you again, soon, Kid," he guesses. His attention then falls on her guardian, who's been eyeing him suspiciously since she's called for Bead.

His glances between her and the kids around her before abruptly asking, "Why are you taking a bunch of Littles into a workshop?"

She raises an eyebrow at him. "Class," she bluntly answers.


Without another word, she turns around and walks away from him, all the kids following her behind, including a hesitent Bead. A few of the kids stared him down, but he put on his best smile and waved at them.

"Class, of course," he mumbles to himself, his smile breaking. He turns back to his desk and puts his hand on his head. "Mind your own buisness, Mel." He groans. Mel focuses back to the engine once more, continuing to grumble to himself. "Just seem a bit young for mechanics is all..."

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