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That night, Mel had his most intense dream in years. All of these repeating images that have been bothering him for nights rounded up and hit him upside the head. The picture couldn't have been painted more clearly to him. All the symbolism was gone.

In the middle of the night, he woke up in a cold sweat. His breathing heavy, head pounding. He quickly sits up, nearly launching himself out of the bed. In a swift motion, he was out of bed and on his feet, rushing to the closet to put on some clothes.

He knew exactly what he had to do, and this couldn't wait.

That star, it's somewhere on that unnamed planet in Proxima-A. He doesn't know what's so important about it exactly, but he knew he had to find it. Spode needed his help, and that star is how Mel will help.

As soon as his clothes were on and shoes were tied, he grabbed his glasses and left to the front door. However, as his hand touched the doorknob he suddenly realised what exactly he was doing.

This isn't just going to his job to focus on his work. He's planning on leaving not just Earth, but The Solar System. He has to, at least, tell his family.

Mel lightly smacked his head. He can't believe this fixation on his task gave him such bad tunnel-vision that he forgot about his family for a moment.

He turns on his heel and walks back down the hall and into the bedroom. There, he gently shakes his wife awake.

"Mi Alma," he coos. She barely hums out a reply. "I need to go somewhere." Another hum, this one in confirmation. "I'm going to be leaving The Solar System."

"OK, Love. Have fun."

He softly smiles to himself at Qiana's reaction. She not awake at all, is she? He thought to himself.

He gently shakes her again, just barely a little rougher than last time. "Qiana," he calls instead.

This time, she stirs. She lifts her head up from the pillow and stares up at her husband.

"What time is it?" Was her first question. She pushed herself up from bed and asks next, "is something wrong?"

He shakes his head. "No, nothing is wrong. I just need to tell you that I need to go."

"Go where?" She slowly asks.

"Proxima-A. I need to leave The Solar System."

She paused, slowly processing what he was talking about.

He continues, "I'll be back in a few days, OK? Love you."


He had already left her side of the bed and was making his way to the door once more.

"Wait, Meita?"

"Yes?" He paused at the bedroom door briefly for his wife.

"You said you're... leaving The *Solar System*?"

"Exactly." With that, he leaves the room and walks back down the hallway. Qiana was in her feet, rushing after his, in no time.

"Wait," she calls after him again. But seeing her walking after him, Mel didn't see a reason to stop this time. "Why? What's going on?"

He briefly explains, "Spode needs my help."

The very idea baffled Qiana. "What?" She squeaks. As Mel reached for the door, she stops him yet again. "Don't you think you're forgetting something?" She demands, accidentally a bit too loud for the middle of the night.

He pauses, then looks back at his wife. "What?" He innocently asks. She crosses her arms and gives him a moment to try and figure it out on his own. Then, he suddenly remembers. He smacks his head once more, upset he could forget something so important yet again. "Nia! I didn’t say anything to her, yet."

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