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Mel was eventually boarded onto a ship, filled to the brim with what he could only guess were soldiers. His hands were bound together again, but this time it wasn't by handcuffs.

However, by rope wasn't exactly better. He has even less room to move his hands, and had to hold his wrist at a bad angle.

Despite the ship being packed full of people, these aliens didn't speak a word to each other. They didn't seem interested in doing so either. Mel started to wonder if their silence was just apart of their species.

Their coldness started to make more sense to him. If it's true, maybe they never meant to feel so rude towards him since the beginning. Although, he wasn't willing to forgive them if it truely was the case.

Even with his new found theory, the silence was still driving Mel insane. He could hardly understand how two people stand by each other without making conversation. But an entire ship?! He has the break the silence.

"So," he finally spoke, breaking the silence. "Where are we heading?"

While he caught a few eyes glance his way, no one answered him. He gave them an extra long moment incase anyone decided to change their mind, but he was still left in silence.

"Where are you all talking me?" He more directly asks. Silence. The lack of responses was starting to irk Mel, but he stayed level headed. "I'm guessing I'm finally heading home, then?" He let out an auditable sigh. "I can't wait. I don't know how you guys manage its so cold in your system! I can't wait to warm up." The Proximians stopped looking over to him and, still, remained silent. "Is everywhere you guys live so cold?"

By now, the lack of response was driving him mad. Mel found it difficult to not start yelling at the aliens. However, would they even care? He could probably throw an entire tantrum and no one would bat an eye at him.

He grit his teeth, but took in a deep breath to calm himself. He turns to the Proximian closest to him and directly asks him, "Where are you taking me?"

He can tell he grabbed the man's attention, but he still didn't speak to Mel. He didn't even turn to him.

"Where are you taking me?" He more sternly asks. "At the very least, can't you tell me how long this trip is going to last?"

And yet, still silence.

Mel couldn't help himself anymore. "I get I'm a prisoner but I deserve to know where I'm going!" He shouts. It wasn't what he was angry about, but he had to let it out in someway. "Do none of you know where we're going?! Or do none of you even have a voice?!" His shouts were turning into full on yelling. "I KNOW YOU CAN HEAR ME!"

Suddenly, someone outside the room spoke, "Would one of you mind shutting him up?"

Mel turns to the voice and spoke without thinking, "Why don't you make-!" the words got caught in his throat once he saw who was there.

Imperial Xia.

He almost dared the very woman who tortured him to shut him up.

She smiled at him and chimed, "Why don't I what?"

He couldn't decide how he wanted to continue, so he ended up staying silent.

She awes. "What's the matter? Lost your tongue, little doctor?"

"Don't call me li-!" Suddenly, a cloth wraps around his mouth, muffling Mel. He shouts and wiggles his head around, but the person behind him managed to tie the cloth around his head regardless. "You fink you can filenth me? I can fill 'alk!" He yells, but the cloth around his mouth muffled his words. To everyone else in the room, he was just making sounds.

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