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Lee Rang POV
I couldn't sleep all night just by the thought that there is someone who loves me unconditionally. It was early in the morning and I was doing my daily busy when that mermaid girl whom I meet at the restaurant came from nowhere. She asked me to have something to eat with her, so we went to this small restaurant on the street. After that I told her to leave for her house but she looked at me in the hope that I'll guard her till her house but being a stone hearted nine tailed fox my attitude couldn't let me do that. I told her to leave alone in the meddle of the night. She just followed my order with a smile without hesitation. I know I'm cold hearted but I did followed her till the time she reached her house safely. There is something about this girl. I feel my heartbeat increase whenever I'm with her. There is a bit of nervousness between us. What is happening to me.

Present day
Su Jin's POV
I'm at my brother's clinic as always. Looking after Pets and taking care of them but suddenly I felt strange. My heart started to pain and my body started to disappear. I could barely see one of my hand. What's happening to me. I ran towards the house of after life. To get help from the old lady.

Su Jin: Madam please help me, I'm in trouble.
Hyeonuiong: What happened to you young lady.
( Hyeonuiong is the man who takes care of this place and husband of this old lady called Taluipa. She is responsible to look after living and dead)

Su Jin: I happen to disappear since this morning. Look my one hand is almost about to vanish.
Old man: Oh dear poor you, darling please help this child.
Old lady: I cannot help her. She has choosen this path herself.
Su Jin: What do you mean by you cannot do anything.
Old lady: I already warned you getting Lee Rang back would be costly but you didn't listen to me. It's all because of you.
Old man: Darling, stop blaming her. Look at her she is worried. Please help her if possible. I want to help you but I cannot help it. I'll try to find a way if possible.
Su Jin: Why is it happening to me?
Old lady: It's because of the past. I guess Lee Rang has someone else in his heart right now in the past, that's why your existence her is meaningless. That's why you are Disappearing and if it continues to happen than you'll disappear for forever.
Old man: Oh dear, don't be harsh on her. Look for a way out.
Old lady: You can go home for now. I'll call you once I get a way out. Try avoiding meeting people. Better to close your clinic for somedays.

I just nodded and came back to my house. The fact Lee Rang loving someone else was on my mind all night. I was talking to myself for a hour or so “Does that mean he has forgotten about me? He has forgotten about us. Our memories together. All are talk and our fights. He doesn't remember anything.” Atleast this incidence told me that he loved me. Even if it's for a second or a minute. I was meant something to him. There was a relationship between us.

That night I cried, I cried for us. I cried for our love. Is this what our lovestory looks like painful and full of being apart a hurt all this time. Are we even meant to be together. I want to spend my life with him. If that's not possible then I just want him to be her in the era. So that he could atleast remember me. Remember our love and talks. Remember who we are. I want him back even if it means that I have to die.

It's better to die instead of disappearing from his memories. If only death can make us come together in his memories than I'm ready to sacrifice my life for him. I really love him and I hope to see him soon.

I hope my brothers find him and get him back. I just slept with my teary eyes that night. It was a long and dark night even in my life.

Tail of Nine Tailed rewrittenWhere stories live. Discover now