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Its been a months.
I was walking back to home when I saw him. He was again with the child I don't know why but they look cute.

Su Jin: Hey how are you?

Lee Rang: What do you want.

Su Jin: Nothing, I was going home and saw you. Hey baby you should not tease him. Now go from her.

Lee Rang: What do you want?

Su Jin: Why do you wait outside my brother's clinic?

Lee Rang: What are you saying. I don't know anything about that.

Su Jin: So you don't know Shin Joo oppa.

He denied and I came home because it was late.

Next Day

Shin Joo: Su Jin take care of the clinic.

Su Jin: Ok Oppa.

Today oppa has an emergency, he went to see a pet who got into an accident. I was working and saw him again. I wanted to catch him but than Lee Yeon oppa came.

Lee Yeon: Hey what's up?

Su Jin: I'm good what about you?

Lee Yeon: Where is Shin?

Su Jin: He went to see a pet. Oppa can I ask you something?

Lee Yeon: Yes, what is it?

Su Jin: Do you know him?

I pointed towards him. He was standing near the cafe.

Lee Yeon: Stay away from him and if he asks you something, don't say anything understand.

Su Jin: Ok.

With that he went inside. I have alot of question on my mind. Who is he? Does oppa knows him? Why he always watch my brother's clinic.

Few week later

Its been long and I have watch him many times here. So I decided to talk to him today and ask all my questions because I cannot ask this from my brother or Yeon oppa.

I was waiting outside the clinic. My brother is not her. As it's my summer holidays going on. So he is at home and I'm taking care of the clinic. It was an hour and finally he showed up. I went to him straight.

Su Jin: Hey! who are you and why do you watch my brother's clinic?Tell me or I'll kill you!

Lee Rang: What a joke. You are still a kid and maybe in you high school. Go play with your friends and stay out of my business.

Su Jin: I'll stay out till the time you don't bring my brother in this. Now tell me.

Lee Rang: You won't go? Hmm

Su Jin: No

He was annoyed and was about to go. I hold him by his hand. He gave me a dead glare.

Lee Rang: Do you plan to die.

Suddenly his eyes changed and I saw something that I didn't expected.

Lee Rang: You better save yourself.

Su Jin: Why would I?

Lee Rang: Are you not scared of me?

Su Jin: Why would a nine tailed fox be scared of a nine tailed fox.

Lee Rang: So you are a nine tailed fox too than catch me and get your answer.

He started showing his powers and I followed him. We came far from seoul. Finally I grab him by his shoulder and defeated him.

Lee Rang: Ok I will answer all you questions. What about if we have a coffee. You must to tired.

I sight and agreed with it. We had the coffee and he begin with the conversation.

Lee Rang: I'm Lee Rang and I know Yeon. I always stand near the clinic so that I can keep an eye on him.

Before I could ask him my phone ring and it was my brother. I was already late so I bid goodbye to him and left for my house.

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