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At Taluipa house

Hyunuiong: Yeon I found an image of that creature in a old mythology book.

Lee Rang: How are ww going to find it like this

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Lee Rang: How are ww going to find it like this. We still don't know about how he looks in human form.

Lee Yeon: We should look for another way.

Hyunuiong: I don't know about his human form. Even though he can change into one person still no one has ever seen him as human and the people who saw they are all dead.

Taluipa: How will you find him with this little piece of information.

The door bell rings.

Hyunuiong: I'll check it.

Delivery man: Hello sir, your delivery

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Delivery man: Hello sir, your delivery.

Hyunuiong: I didn't order anything, you must have mistaken.

Delivery man: I'm sorry sir.

This delivery man was strange, while I opened the door for him and denied that the delivery was not mine. He was still standing there and peeking inside my house.

Hyunuiong: What are you looking at?

Delivery man: I'm sorry sir but your house is huge.

Hyunuiong: I know that now go and i should not see you again around my house.

I closed the door.

Taluipa: Who was it on the door.

Hyunuiong: A delivery guy he misunderstood and was delivering to our place but there's something strange about him.

Lee Rang: What's strange about him.

Hyunuiong: He's aura and he was looking inside the house while I was talking to him.

Lee Yeon: Maybe he was just looking at the house and nothing else. Let's get to work.

Taluipa: Rang and Yeon go find Phoenix and Jowangshin.

Hyunuiong: It would be difficult to find them both but remember one thing Jowangshin never stays at one place. He changes his place every season.

Taluipa: Since the weather is about to change in a week. You have to find him soon before he leaves and goes somewhere far from us.

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