Seagod!Azul x merfolk!fem!reader

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This is a request and contained the following tags: [#ANGST, #SLIGHTSMUT] If you're uncomfortable reading these, I suggest you skip this oneshot. (or request me with anything u could think of through my DM~)

In the depths of the ocean, where the sun's rays barely touched the surface, there lived a mermaid named Y/n. She was unlike the other mermaids, for a heavy burden weighed upon her heart. She was plagued by sadness and solitude, trapped in a never-ending cycle of melancholy.

"Have you done all the work I've told you to?" Y/n's mother yelled. Most mother loves their child dearly, that wasn't Y/n's case. As the family has 10 children, Y/n, as the 3rd child, has to do most of the work. She's more like a slave, not a family member. Her step-dad, who is even worse in terms of personality, abused her. He was found drunk most of the time, when he's not, he beat Y/n up like a way of entertaining himself. Her older siblings already left as they have their own family, leaving Y/n and the rest under her care.
Y/n thought of finding herself a lover once, nothing seems to work out between her and other merman she had met.
The ocean where Y/n lived was ruled by Azul Ashengrotto, the almighty seagod. Rumours spread that he has gone on land to learn more about the land creatures and their magic. Some said that he fell in love with a human, some said he was conquering the place in order to expand his territory. None was confirmed. 
Y/n was wandering all by herself, finding all the materials that her mother asked for when she caught a glimpse of an otherworldly aura of a strange male that drew her in.

?: Are you looking for something particularly?

Y/n: Uhm... not quite... 

?: Then what brought you here? Normally, only extraordinary customer can find this place.

Y/n doubted that she has anything special, probably by coincidence. Still, she took a good look at the objects that are on displayed, nothing interests her. The mysterious man offered Y/n something else as he saw the disappointed look on her face. He laid a crystal globe on the table.

?: Your hand, ma'am.

Y/n put her right hand onto the cold globe, it shines brightly but soon, the lights went off. 

?: I see... 

While Y/n was standing there, not knowing what the man is thinking of, another man walked into the store.

??: YO!

He looked almost the exact same with the man in front of Y/n, she was a little panic.

?: Oh.. It's my twin brother, Floyd Leech, I'm Jade Leech, call me Jade.

Y/n: Alright... But may I ask what did you see?

Jade: Love is on your way, that's all I have to say.

"Love?" Y/n thought. Although she has lost hope in such feeling, something inside her was expecting it to happen. Maybe she will find where she belongs and soon get away from the 'prison' she's been living in.

Y/n left, on her way back, she encountered a man. Though he was not just any man, it was Azul Ashengrotto. She didn't realize him as he's undercover, and his disguise looks rather like a beggar.

Y/n: You alright? 

Azul: Young lady, do I look 'not alright' to you?

Y/n: Very much...

Azul: Mind your own business.

Y/n: That was rude.

Y/n was about to swim away when she noticed a deep cut on his tentacle-like leg. 

Y/n: Are you a cecaelia?

Azul: What?

Y/n didn't reply, she swam over to check for the injury. Luckily, the herbs she bought earlier finally got to do their job. Azul, who seemed to be grumpy earlier, acted calmly while being treated by Y/n. She was skillful so it didn't hurt as much. Before Y/n left, he asked for her name. Y/n wasn't sure why, but there's no harm telling him her name. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2023 ⏰

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