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      "Sign here, and your wishes will definitely come true."

  Being the dorm leader and the manager of Mostro Lounge, Azul Ashengrotto is a busy man. Thanks to the help of Jade and Floyd, everything is always under his control. That is, until Y/n and her friends destroyed all of his plans, turning his golden contracts to dust. Oh how he hates them so much, all except for Y/n. Azul didn't know why he's so into her, all she did was ruining his business, still, he has found a better way to upgrade his business so that's not the problem anymore. Y/n L/n, the name which is always inside his head, he couldn't stop thinking about her, even for one second. Lucky for Azul, he didn't have to go anywhere to find Y/n, she's a VIP at Mostro Lounge after that accident. At first, she probably feels bad for asking Leona to ruin those contracts but she doesn't feel that way anymore. Y/n truly loves the drinks here, it gives her that fresh but also peaceful feeling. Whenever Y/n is here, Azul will be the one to approach and introduce her some new stuffs on the menu, nobody gets to have that much  opportunity. Everything is doing great, Azul enjoys those moment, however, it's not enough, he wants something even more than just being friend with her.

Y/n: Azul, do you mind if I ask you this?

Azul: Sure, I'm always willing to lend an ear if it's you.

Y/n: It's just that Riddle is not feeling well lately.

Azul: And? - Azul continues to rearrange the bottles.

Y/n: I wonder if you could give him something so that he could recover faster, Trey tried everything he could but it didn't seem to work on Riddle.

 Azul was thinking for a moment before he makes up his mind. 'This could be the only chance' He thought. With that inside his mind, Azul left the bar, coming straight to the VIP room and took out a golden contract. He soon returned to Y/n who is still enjoying her drink.

Y/n: A contract?

Azul: I am not going to do it for free, you know. 

Y/n: The only condition is that I'll have to listen to whatever you said? That's it?

Azul: Yes, that's it.

Y/n: Oh well, if it's for Riddle, this is nothing.

       Nothing, you said, you have no idea what's going to happen, do you? Azul calmed himself from smirking in front of her, or else, he would be suspicious. After Y/n signed her contract, Azul gave her a bottle of medicine which is guaranteed to work. Of course it will work, it's Azul Ashengrotto, he's smart enough and talent enough when it comes to those things.
      The next day, Y/n gladly ran towards him, announcing that his medicine has worked divinely, Riddle has been cured and now he's in a perfect condition. Jade and Floyd were right behind Azul when Y/n came, she looks like a ball of joy when she kept talking like that. Floyd was about to tease her but Jade has stopped him, like usual, Jade knew Azul has achieved his goal and he doesn't want anyone to bother this victory moment. From deep down, Jade knew what's going to happen to that poor unfortunate soul so he took Floyd to somewhere else, minding their own business.

Azul: I'm glad to hear that my medicine worked well on him but you have to pay your price now, Y/n.

Y/n: Oh yes, absolutely, I'm not going to break the contract.

Azul: Then give me your hand.

   Y/n listened to what he said and placed her hand on his, Azul took out a ring from his pocket and placed it on her finger. It wasn't a normal ring, in others' eyes, it appears to be so, but that's a special ring made by Azul. It allows him to control one's mind and it won't be cracked or removed by anyone but him, a perfect tool to turn Y/n into his. On the other hand, Y/n who knows nothing about that fact, is admiring the beauty of its. Azul reads the spell, without noticing, Y/n lost control of herself, listening to his orders unconsciously.

Azul: From now on, you're staying by my side, for eternity. 

Y/n: Yes, Azul.. 

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