important announcement

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So some people are dming me if I'm dead and as you can see I am NOT dead and I'm doing great actually.

Not sure if im still gonna continue this book anymore but maybe in the future if I get back into the sp fandom :((

im so sorry if you made it this far to the book and actually enjoyed and kept up with it 🥲

I'm not apologizing for not having the time to continue this book because I know my priorities and I know if I still need time :) ofc this book was a priority to me. I love making people smile with my little stories.

thank you for reading this, seriously i really appreciate it.

a little author lore

I was really at my lowest times when writing this book. I found out about a show called south park. Seeing those four little characters always put a smile to my face. I would stay up watching this show just to feel a little bit better.
South park is, and still will be one of my most favourite shows ever. When I was watching this show I felt so at home, despite all of the degenerate remarks.. BUT its a great show. Honestly so many people would disagree but the show is so comforting and theres so much to it. Ill always have a special place for south park in my heart.

After a few months of watching this show, I realized how long i had binged it for. I started getting really worked up at myself because of how I didnt keep up with my schedules and everything. I always wanted to go home and watch south park as soon as I step foot in the house. My parents then of course saw this pattern and were very concerned.

I relate a lot to this show, (I'm not racist, homophobic, or any other bad things in this show, I don't condone in that behaviour) something about it felt so comforting and surreal at the same time. I would wake up thinking it was all a fever dream.

I wouldn't say "Ive grown out of south park" maybe just became open to more other shows and everything else in the world. I started to focus more on all my sports, going to church everyday, my family, and most importantly myself.

This book was one of the only things that kept me going believe it or not. I loved coming home to my wattpad notifications and seeing all of the little comments you guys send, it really brought a big smile to my face.

I hope you all are doing okay, and I hope you don't lay in bed everyday dreaming.

Make today a good day for yourself, so tomorrow will be an even better one.

Theres no better time to start than now is there?

Thank you for reading this book, for now
chewy_benososo, signing off.

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