The Birth

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Me and Mitch are going to watch some movies. I am due any day now.
"Kirstie come on"
"I'm going "
I went down the stairs. I sat down and Mitch started the movie . About 20 minutes in the movie My water broke.
"Mitch "
"My water just broke "
"what let's get to the hospital "
He helps me get up. He gets the bag. He gets me to the car.
I sit down while he gets in. He drives as fast as he can. It was good that we didn't get caught by the police.
We got there and he helped me in.
"My fiancé is going into labor "
"Ok let's get her into a room "
They toke her in.
It took 4 hours but they finally came. The boy was first. Then the girl.
The boys name is Max Grassi. And the girls name is Promise.
Isabella came and saw her siblings. She was still young .
You can see through her eyes that she is happy. She loves them. She will be the best older sister.
I felt Mitch kiss my forehead.
"You did great "
"Thanks, I love you and our kids "
"I know I love you to"
I'm happy knowing that I have many people who love me.
I couldn't be any happier.
Ok so there it is. Sorry I haven't updated in a while for this book. I just have been so interested in writing for my The New You series. I am now on the third book.
I'm very happy to see all the reads this book has I hope you enjoyed this.
Love you❤️❤️❤️

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