A Secret Door

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- Warning: Changes in POV, fight scene and choking, possession-

*Johannes's POV*
I woke up with someone saying my name in a low tone and was increasingly becoming for urgent. I pulled the bed sheets off of me and started to look around the room. I just saw the a small light shining from the blinds and John sleeping on his bed. Where could the voice be coming from?

"John, John! Something's wrong." I shook him awake. John immediately woke up and started to turn on the lamp on our nightstand.

"Okay, what's happening?" John asked.

"I- I" Was all I can say when a bright night appeared before me. I couldn't think of move on my own, the light was so blinding that everything faded into white. Just as the light came, a room appeared before me. It had white walls but no doors.

"Hello?" I called out but my voice just echoed between the walls. All of the sudden I felt a hand on my shoulder, I quickly turned to see that it was me, but he was wearing stage makeup.

"What the-" I cut myself off.

"Took me long enough to find you, me? Anyways, I'm sure you have many questions. But we kind of have to make this quick. Hi, I am the original you. I am traveling through dimensions just to be here and I really need your help. I'm sure this is the dimension where you think you invented Avatar Country? Well if it is, you didn't make it up, you were remembering it. My people and I are currently being prosecuted by Seregor's army. He is trying to kill all of our variants and I believe your band is next on his list." The other me explained.

"This can't be real, this can't." I mumbled as I paced back and forwards.

"It is." He insisted.

"Prove it." I challenged. Without warning he slapped me so hard.

"Look, we don't have time! You have to remember." He was irritated.

"Wait! Weren't you trying to kill Jonas and I? And how am I supposed to remember?" I asked.

"I wasn't trying to kill you, I can barely control what I am doing right now. My body is sleeping and I can't be here for long. As for the memories, you will remember on your own, although I will try my hardest to help you." He assured me.

"King Kungen wasn't supposed to see the light I made, I don't know how he even did. I swear it wasn't meant to be hurt and neither were you." He ran his hand through his hair.

"Do I warn the band?" I stupidly questioned.

"No! They aren't ready yet. I am trying to learn how to project their consciousness too but they will not believe you right now. We can't risk that right now." His irritation was just getting worse and he nervously looked around the room as if expecting to be attacked at any moment.

"Look, I think I-" He was cut off by a dark figure appearing before us, the figure didn't look human at all.

"RUN!" He screamed as he took me by the wrist and we ran. The problem is that the white room started to have hallways that seemed like a maze. I ran as fast as I could but the figure appeared out of no where and attacked him.

"No! Let him go!" I shouted as I tried my best to get its claws off of him. He cried as the claws scratched his face and arms. Then the figure turned around quickly and tackled me to the ground, it's claws pressing on my throat. I couldn't breathe and I felt like this how I died.

"You have to wake up! Johannes, please wake up!" The other me pleaded as he tried to crawl towards me.

I closed my eyes and tried to focus. I felt the world shift on it's axis and I was heavily leaning on someone while another was lightly shaking me, there was a hand on my knee and another pacing back and forward. That is when everything snapped.

*John's POV*
I woke up to Johannes panicking and telling me something was wrong, I tried to figure out what he meant. When his eyes rolled back and went perfectly still, I was terrified. He stayed standing where he was but he wasn't responding to anything. I started to shout for my band members and I cried in frustration because I didn't know what to do. I heard the door burst open.

"John? What happened?" Henrik asked.

"I don't know, he won't respond. He said something was wrong and his freaking eyes rolled back and I don't know what to do." I rambled.

"I think we should move him to the bed." Tim suggested. I nodded. Jonas went to Johannes's right side and I was on his left as we carefully lead him to his bed, Johannes slowly walked between us. It wasn't until he reached the bed that he went completely limp, I don't know how or why but a long red cut appeared on his face. When he started to gasp for air, I immediately tried to sit him up and let him lean on me while Jonas tried to look for any reason for him choking.

"Guys, are you seeing this?" Jonas panicked. There were dark bruises appearing on his neck.

"Johannes, please wake up." I sobbed. For what felt like eternity, the gasping stopped. I felt like ice went through my veins thinking that the worse has happened. But Johannes's eyes finally returned to normal and he seemed to slowly regain consciousness as well.

"Johannes, can you hear me?" Tim asked.

"Yeah." Johannes slurred.

"Can you tell me how many fingers I'm holding up?" Tim asked again.

"Don't have my glasses so." Johannes smirked.

"He's back." Tim smiled back.

"What happened?" Johannes asked.

"We don't know, we were hoping you did." Henrik responded.

"Why does my neck and face hurt?" Johannes complained as he was about to touch his cut but I stopped him. Henrik took a photo of Johannes and showed him what he looked like.

"How?" Johannes breathed out.

"I have no idea but we'll figure this out. Did you happen to see the light as before?" Jonas asked.

"I don't remember. I'm really trying to remember but it's blank." Johannes sadly answered.

"Let's all just rest and figure this out later? This couldn't have been easy on Johannes, on any of us so let's just try to figure this out when we're all thinking logically." I suggested.

"Okay, although we should stay in a room. We don't know if this thing will go after Jonas next." Tim spoke up.

"Okay, but one thing's for sure. Johannes don't get out of this room until that cut and bruises either heals or we figure out a lie of what happened to you." Jonas commanded.

"Sure, wasn't planning on it anyways." Johannes sleepily agreed. It didn't take long before he fell asleep again. Henrik was texting someone, Tim was writing something in his notebook, Jonas put on the TV in a low volume and was watching Futurama, and I was on my phone trying to figure out what just happened.

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