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*Johannes's POV*
We are currently in Jonas's house, we're sitting around a fire pit and talking between one another. Tim and Henrik are holding hands, meanwhile I'm leaning on Jonas's shoulder. John's drinking a beer and telling us of when his ex boyfriend accidentally got them high off some berries that they could taste sounds for hours. I've never seen John high before, drunk sure but never high.

"Do you remember what they looked like?" Tim asked.

"Nope, I just know that I prefer mines store bought now." John laughed.

"I've never seen you high have I?" Jonas tried to remember.

"You have, remember in our high school prom when Rachel and I left early? Well we both got together but realized that we weren't into each other. She was actually into Lana and I into Derek. So we got high and talked it out. You came into the my room looking for something but were too drunk to remember what for." John pointed out.

"Derek? Seriously?" Henrik tried not to laugh.

"Hey, he's good looking okay!" John defended himself. Derek was a jock who was way too preppy, but he was smart as hell too bad he's straight. I got up to go take my meds, when I came back to the fire pit I saw a portal open. I quickly grabbed the bat from the front door.

"It's okay." Jonas called out. Two people came through the portal first, King Kungen and the other Johannes. Behind them was a crowd of people with familiar faces.

"Hello." King Kungen spoke up, the other me just waved. I also noticed that he no longer had makeup on his face.

"Hello." We said back.

"Thank you for your help in freeing us, we are eternal grateful for the sacrifices you've made." King Kungen's voice was very powerful.

"You're welcome." Jonas responded. It's weird as hell seeing two of them. Is this what they felt too?

"Behind me are the people who were being controlled by Seregor. His death freed them from their curse and they began to heal. These people have become my citizens thanks to you." King Kungen explained.

"Oh my god." I smiled widely. King Kungen just smiled back, he gently nudged his husband to talk.

"Thank you so much. I- when the curse was lifted I couldn't believe my eyes. Multitudes of people were at the gate of Avatar Country, we opened the gates and everyone was rejoining their families. My family came back to me just as I remembered them. Thank you so much." He cried happily. The other version of our older sister placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Can I hug him?" I asked the King, he nodded yes. I hugged the other me so tightly I swear we could've become one at that point.

"I wish you all the happiness in the world." I whispered to him.

"So do I." He replied.

I heard kids playing in between the crowd, mothers and father with gifts in their arms. They all left them in a pile despite us saying that it was okay with just a thank you. Now we have food for months, given if it doesn't rot. Celia even apologized for stabbing me, I told her that I forgave her long ago. Even the other me apologized for not physically being there during the showdown as he was in the cave with King Kungen defending him from invaders.

We rejoiced together and tried to forget all the things we've witnessed when Seregor was alive. Right now all that mattered is that we're alive and safe, we are at peace now. The other Johannes showed me how to make a portal between our worlds too in case we ever want to visit one another. Jonas was talking to King Kungen about who knows what. Henrik and Tim were in the crowd and out of sight. John was showing the kids on how to play drums. Everyone was truly happy.

*Henrik's POV*
I met my other self and he really is a vampire, although he can get out during the day thanks to a witches remedy. My Tim and I learned more about his story and how his Tim is also a vampire. They've been alive for 249 years and been together for 226 years. When the other Tim showed up he was shocked to see us. I'm glad that even in another life we're together. I truly love my Tim.

*Tim's POV*
Henrik and I held hands the entire time because we were scared to lose one another in the crowd. My social anxiety was just not the best. We crashed into the other Henrik and we naturally talked between us. The other Henrik and Tim have been together since they were 23 years old and still resemble like young love. Their eyes lit up when they spoke of each other. I love Henrik so much and I hope we grow old together because I can't imagine being with anyone else. Here goes to a whole lifetime with the man J love.

*John's POV*
The kids really gravitated towards me and they kept asking me to teach them the drums. The other me just laughed at me saying that the kids are little monsters. They were because they were extremely talented for their age which made me proud. We laughed and I occasionally taught them something new. The adults joined in by taking care of their kids when they got sleepy or hungry. I discovered that I love being a teacher and that maybe I should pursue this in the future. Either way, seeing how big of a difference we made is enough for me to be in awe with all the possibilities. I can't wait to find out what is next for us.

*Jonas's POV*
I spoke with King Kungen and he told me of all the things Avatar Country fixed since the curse has been lifted. The land is able to prosper again thanks to us. He also congratulated me for being together with Johannes, I said the same. We talked about anything and everything, I learned that his Johannes is the first and only boyfriend/ husband he's ever had and that King Kungen is the first openly bisexual king in Avatar Country. He told me how scared he was for the citizen's reactions, but they literally treated it like saying that the sky is blue or that grass is green. The citizens couldn't care more of who the king was married too as long as they didn't hurt the king. It gave me hope for the newer generations of Avatar Country. I hope that the world will be fine when we post about our new relationships in my dimension. For now, I can only feel calm and happy that we're together.

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