So Sang the Hallow

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*Jonas's POV*
Two weeks have passed by since we found Johannes and things have been better. Johannes can now run further than we expected considering his condition and hasn't passed out as often. Although he still complains about his chest hurting, we now know what signs to look for when he's gonna faint. John's always the one to pick up on the symptoms first, he is the dad of the group after all. Henrik and Tim have been busy fixing a hole on the roof after a tree fell on the house a few days ago because of a storm. I've been trying to be there for everyone but sometimes I feel like I'm running myself thin. It's not easy when your boyfriend can open portals in his sleep especially since I found out that he sleepwalks a lot more often than I knew. Once Johannes opened a portal to the fucking ocean and I had to stop him from sleepwalking straight into it.

"TIM!" I heard Henrik scream then a second later a portal opened up on top of the couch and Tim fell into it before rolling on the ground.

"Thanks." Tim said.

"No problem, you should really be careful." Johannes commented. The front door was slammed open to reveal a frantic Henrik.

"Oh thank god." Henrik stated as he looked Tim over.

"I'm fine." Tim reassured.

"Well don't blame me, I saw you fall then just disappeared. I swear you're trying to give me a heart attack." Henrik complained.

"You're lucky Johannes opened that portal when he did and that you're safe. He could've made you reappear somewhere much worse." I teased.

"Hey! I'm getting better." Johannes teased back.

"You nearly walked into the ocean in your sleep." I deadpanned.

"But I didn't." Johannes smirked.

"Where's John?" Tim asked.

"He went out to the grocery store." I told him.

The conversation between them faded into the background as we sat in the living room. It didn't take long before I eventually fell asleep, I woke up in a beach with black sand and cold winds. I looked around me as I tried to find out why I'm here. I turned behind me to see another version of Johannes dressed in all black and a pained expression on his face.

"I'm sorry." He apologized.

"Why?" I asked.

"I found you, at least I found King Kungen and I failed you." He cried.

"Where? What happened?" I questioned.

"King Kungen is in a cave beneath the ocean, he is frozen in time in a air pocket. This whole time I thought you were dead. I should've tried harder to find him sooner." He explained.

"Is that why my Johannes was going to walk into the ocean?" I asked.

"Yes, although my attention was never for him to be asleep while doing it. I was desperate to get him out of there and I guess that affected your Johannes as well. I'm sorry for that." He sincerely apologized.

"I get it, I'd do the same." I would.

"Your Johannes is still suffering the consequences of being infected, I can feel it. He may look like he's getting better but he's still at risk. I don't think he'll ever completely heal from this." He informed me.

"Is there anything I can do?" I began to feel dread.

"Be there for him. When he gets frustrated in not being able to do the things he once loved, be there when he needs help. Right now he can do amazing things but he will want to do more and his heart won't let him." He spoke as he looked into my eyes.

"I will." I promised.

"Jonas, you have to take care of yourself as well. You can't become hallowed, you still have so much to give." His words were cutting deep.

"Even hallowed, I can still sing." I sadly smiled at him.

"Jonas, you're surrounded by so much love, don't ever forget that." Johannes told me. The world started to fade into black. When I woke up, I felt Johannes running his fingers through my hair with one hand as my head rested on his shoulder.

"And I told them why the hell was there a goose in the car." Johannes exclaimed.

"For fuck's sake, I hope you got a refund." John laughed.

"I didn't! He just said it was part of the deal!" Johannes's free hand shot out to the air to exaggerate his point.

"Why didn't you argue with him then?" Henrik asked.

"He had a gun on him, believe me, it wasn't worth it." Johannes's voice did not lower at all.

"You can teleport now so you don't need a car anymore." I yawned.

"Hey sleepy head." Johannes greeted.

"Hey." I said as I sat up.

"You were asleep for a while, are you okay?" Johannes questioned.

"Yeah." I answered.

"Food's ready." Tim called from behind me.

As we were eating we talked about our tour dates and how we were excited to get back on the road once this was over. I kept glancing at Johannes to make sure he was okay, he was. I think there's something between Henrik and Tim but it's too early to tell, John seemed to know too. John just kept rambling on how we should all learn chaotic instruments to play them in between songs if we had enough time, it was easy for him to say as he knows how to play the flute and Johannes plays the trombone. It would be cool to learn a new chaotic instrument though.

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