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*Jonas's POV*
Some time passed by since Johannes's episode, incident? Anyways, the cut was mostly healed and luckily didn't need any stitches and his bruises around his neck weren't noticeable anymore. Still, he refused to leave his room unless absolutely necessary, apparently he was scared of paparazzi taking a photo of him and blow everything out of proportion. John told me that he got little to no sleep as he tried to figure out what happened to him. At one point I thought he was going to hit Tim when he placed a hand on his shoulder, although the fear in his face was heartbreaking.

"Johannes, I brought you food." I called as I opened the door.

"Thanks Jonas." Johannes smiled at me, the dark circles under his eyes and tired smile were a major red flag.

"So, have you found out anything?" I asked.

"Yeah, you know the man that disappeared? Well he didn't, he was found like 2 months later in the bottom of a lake. Murder, suicide, they don't know how it happened. He had no enemies so the latter is more likely." Johannes said as he pointed at the screen of his laptop.

"Johannes, I think you need a break from this. This can't be good for you." I hesitated to say.

"Jonas, I cannot stop right now. What if you're next? How are we supposed to fend off something that we don't know? How am I supposed to protect you? What if what happened to me is a lot worse for you? What if you die and there is nothing we could do to save you?" Johannes cried.

"I don't know. Maybe I can do what you did." I answered.

"I don't even know what I did! That's the problem. What if it kills me? What if I'm too injured or trapped that I can't pull you back to reality?" Johannes's voice was just getting louder as he spoke.

"What? You won't die, we can figure this out. But you can't stay trapped here! You have to see the world, distract yourself because what if this is what that thing wanted? What if that thing is doing something off in the sidelines while we're here? Please, don't imprison yourself in your mind." I pleaded. There was a long silence between us.

"Fine, but let me eat first." Johannes responded.

"Are you sure you don't want to take a nap first?" I asked.

"Don't push it." Johannes said as he took a bite out of his food. When Johannes finished his food he went to the mirror of his bathroom.

"Does it look bad?" Johannes pointed at his face wound.

"Not really, and if anyone asks that happed during the land fall." I tried to reason.

"Gotcha." Johannes responded as he grabbed his sunglasses. The sun burned to say the least, it is summer after all. We met up with the rest of Avatar and went to the small cafe in the hotel. The coffee was not the best but the cafe was well decorated. Luckily no one bothered us and there were almost no incidents, I say almost because Henrik dropped his coffee on the ground as we were leaving. For a second he looked so done with life. I don't know why but there was an odd feeling around me at times but I couldn't know why or what was causing it.

"So I have been working on this idea for performing Dance Devil Dance live but I can't figure out what to do." John spoke up in the car.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Remember when the Canadian airline lost our clothes so we had to perform in beach clothes? Well what if we do that again for 'On the Beach'? Could be a good inside joke with our fans?" John suggested.

"That would be awesome!" Johannes smiled at John.

"Yeah? Not too cheesy?" John questioned.

"Well everything we do is kinda cheesy, our fans expect that from us." Tim pointed out as he changed lanes.

"The change of clothes would be the tricky part, I don't think I can change that fast between sets." I spoke up.

"Hmm, maybe we can do that when we have more time between the sets, like a smaller venue or something?" Johannes replied.

"We can try it out and time ourselves to get a better idea of the time limit." Tim said as he casually flipped off the driver next to us.

"Forgot about your road rage." I laughed.

"Well if these fuckers only drove right then we wouldn't have a problem." Tim groaned.

When we reached a hiking trail close to the hotel we grabbed our stuff and absently walked around. We saw a deer very close up, it was interesting how the animal wasn't scared of us at all. A bee landed on Johannes's hair and he was too scared to move in case it stung him, it didn't. Tim kept telling us odd facts about the plants around us, apparently he had a hyper-fixation on plants once and memorized everything. Henrik just played around Tim when he said that some of them were poisonous by pretending to eat them. John kept trying to stop Henrik from either eating them or touching them in case of toxicity by touch. I just kept taking videos and photos of they dumb assery.

"Henrik, I swear if you touch that-" Tim started.

"Try me bitch!" I heard Henrik laugh and followed by a playful smack.

"I swear you guys are children." John rolled his eyes.

"Why do bees keep landing on me?!" Johannes was frustrated.

"Don't know but thank god for the EpiPen." When I said that Johannes just nodded along. He's allergic to bees, so is John.

The hike was beautiful but it was so long that by the time we got back to the hotel our legs hurt. Luckily enough we had more days off so we could just sleep this off. One thing's for sure, they like a bunch of kids whose only purpose is to cause chaos.

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