Do You Feel In Control?

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-Warning- Vomit
*Johannes's POV*
I woke up feeling like my limbs were made of stone, fortunately I am able to see everything around me. Sleeping in the couch was not the smartest choice and I do partially regret it, but it was worth it because I got closer to Jonas. Speaking of Jonas, I can hear him speaking with Henrik and something being heated in a pan. I began to sit up but the world immediately tilted and I felt nauseous, I ran to the restroom to vomit. I heard footsteps running behind me and someone holding my hair back. When I finished I closed my eyes and leaned against the bathroom wall.

"Are you okay now?" Jonas asked. I just replied with a thumbs up.

"I need to lift up your shirt to check on the black veins, can I do that now?" Jonas questioned.

"Yeah." He slowly lifted my shirt and by the look on his face it wasn't bad.

"The veins are vanishing which is great, although you still have a fever." He informed me.

"It always gets worse before it gets better." I responded as I tried to get up, Jonas put his arm around my waist as I rinsed my mouth in the sink then we walked back into the living room. I saw John pacing and Tim looking at Henrik as if he were crazy.

"What happened?" I asked.

"We were going over our plan and I think it's best not to let the public know about your reappearance. I think we should let Seregor think you're dead, maybe we can use you being alive as an element of surprise." Henrik tried to explain.

"Are you planning to go after him? What without the court jester? Do you know what I can do?" I was becoming frustrated.

"Johannes, despite of what you can do, you're too sick right now." John pointed out.

"Jonas, let go of me please." I demanded and he did. I have no idea if it'd work but it did. I closed my eyes and opened them to see a small portal in front of me, I walked through it and reappeared behind my band mates.

"Woah!" They exclaimed.

"I can do that without ever being in a place, I can-" Damn my legs for giving up on me now, luckily the floor wasn't that hard. Henrik got to me first and we just sat on the ground meanwhile my heart rate calmed down.

"Is it the fever or your heart?" Henrik asked.

"Both." I answered as I tried to take deep breaths.

"It was very cool what you did, but you can't overestimate yourself right now. We can't lose you again." Henrik told me.

"You won't, I can be useful for when he comes back." I cried.

"I don't doubt that, you just have to rest right now." Henrik sighed as he looked at Jonas for help.

"Johannes, those veins aren't gone yet and I can see how much they're affecting your health which is why you're benched for now." Jonas stated.

"You can't-" I started.

"I CANNOT LOSE YOU AGAIN!" Jonas shouted.

"I can't lose you again, what if you don't come back. What if this is it? We just got you back and you're already set in defeating Seregor." Jonas cried.

"You won't lose me. Why do you think I'm set in defeating Seregor? It's because I've seen what he does across worlds and I've seen the sadness and chaos he drags around everywhere. Maybe if we killed him then we can reverse the damage he's made." I defended myself.

"First your fever goes down and give your heart time to rest then we'll talk." Jonas set his foot down.

"What if he comes before then?" I asked.

"Then we'll have to improvise." Jonas responded.

Henrik and John helped be get to the couch as Tim and Jonas were finishing the food they were making. When they weren't looking I materialized my twin blades and made them go through a small portal as I juggled them between my hands. Henrik came to me with a plate of food and looked mildly surprised at what I was doing.

"How did you learn to do that?" Henrik asked.

"I don't know, it's like when I was in that place that my memories from the other life were coming back to me." I answered.

"That's cool." Henrik said.

"What's bothering you?" I can sense his unease.

"Seregor called me a vampire. I'm obviously not one but it just confused me." Henrik casually said as he set the plate on the coffee table and he sat next to me.

"You were one originally, but things change between dimensions. Plus I wouldn't trust Seregor." I told him.

"Did we die?" Henrik asked.

"Yes, we were fighting side by side when it happened. You tried to save a girl when they took you down. Tim died trying to save you." I hesitated to tell him.

"I'm sorry you had to see that." Henrik apologized.

"I'm sorry I couldn't save you." I apologized too.

"So you and Jonas?" He weakly smiled.

"Yeah, we're taking it slowly." I smiled back.

"About time, couldn't stand the obvious tension between you two." Henrik teased.

"Hey! It wasn't that obvious." I said as I gently pushed him.

"Ohhh, it was! Even John was making a tally mark of how many times we thought one of you would confess." Henrik laughed.

"I- you bastards!" I laughed so hard that it hurt.

"Seriously though, he's just worried about you. He cried for hours when you passed out, he's scared that he wouldn't be able to save you." Henrik told me.

"I know." I said as I took a bite out of my food.

"At least we'll be safe for a month or so." Henrik said.

"Yeah because you guys are burying me." The idea of that happening is both disturbing and amusing considering that I'm alive.

"Do you think he'd bring flowers?" Henrik joked.

"Definitely, seems like a reasonable thing to do after you killed someone." I joked back.

"All things considered, I'm glad he failed, then I wouldn't have my best mate back." Henrik punched my shoulder lightly.

"Not even the universe is that cruel." I laughed lightly.

"Do you feel in control?" Henrik asked.

"Yes, because I know we can make a difference this time." I stated.

"I hope you're right." Henrik spoke as we sat in silence.

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