House of Eternal Hunt

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-Warning- Fighting, stabbing, blood.
*Johannes's POV*
I can tell the others don't trust me to fight in my condition and it's fine, they don't have to agree with me being there because I don't need their permission. I can't allow them to run into Seregor without being prepared, that bitch has too many tricks up his sleeve. So far I've been keeping a close eye on everyone around us and have been on high alert to see if anything gets close to Henrik's house. Although I'm not allowed to go outside in case one of Seregor's soldier sees me. We've been working on a disguise for me to use against Seregor and we're hoping it works. My other self warned me that Seregor is going to make his first move today and we are preparing ourselves for it.

"Are you sure this will work?" Tim questioned as he grabbed a bucket of dirt.

"Yes, we have to make this believable." I told him.

"Okay, just cover your nose and mouth." He warned as he dumped the dirt over me. It didn't take long before I started to cough out a lung.

"Johannes?" John started.

"I'm fine." I let them know as I rubbed my hands on my face to mess up my clown makeup. The ripped black blazer, black dress shirt, and black pants were really selling the disguise. I looked at myself from the window's reflection and the white contacts truly terrified me, I look just like them.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Tim asked.

"Yes, we need to make him believe that we've lost. The false confidence will grant us the access into making a trap for him." I explained.

"Are you planning to kill him?" John accused.

"No, he deserves to live long enough to see his creation fall. Death is too merciful." I told him.

"Then what is your plan?" Jonas's voice scared me, I didn't see him coming.

"I'll freeze him in time, I'll let him out when we've decided how to proceed." I answered him.

"Do you know how to do the curse?" Henrik asked.

"Yes, but it'll take a lot of energy from me, seriously." I warned them.

"What about your heart?" John inquired.

"It'll be okay." I insisted, none of them seemed to believe me but what other choice do we have?

"I truly love you guys and I will do everything in my power to keep you safe." I promised them.

"As your king, you must keep yourself safe too. There is no shame in needing help from one another." Jonas commanded.

"Does everyone have their weapon ready?" Henrik asked.

"Yeah." We said in unison.

I stayed in the house meanwhile Henrik and Tim were in the front porch talking. John stayed close to the windows to look for any suspicious activity. Jonas was sitting right next to me on the ground, he playing with my dirty hair as we anxiously waited. For a while I doubted he was even coming, maybe I got faulty information. Then my chest felt weird and I got a very dark feeling run through my veins that it honestly scared me.

"He's here." I announced with wide eyes. John quickly ran to the front porch to warn Henrik and Tim.

*Jonas's POV*
Once I saw John run to warn the others, I knew that this might be the last time we're all together and that very thought was almost impossible for me to comprehend. I quickly kissed Johannes goodbye as I ran behind John. I saw Henrik standing in front of his house searching for any movement when three shadows appeared before him. Tim quickly grabbed Henrik's wrist and pulled him towards us.

"Hello Jonas." Seregor greeted.

"Hello Seregor." I imitated him.

"It's always sad to bury your own soldiers, I'm assuming you have him a proper burial." Seregor taunted.

"Is this what the visit is about? I thought you were better than that." I spat.

"I am taking the vampire." Seregor stated.

"Fuck off." Tim hissed. One of the shadows became solid and held a knife to his throat.

"Not another word." The shadow snapped.

A groan was heard behind us and Johannes walked towards us in a zombie manner, his eyes lost in the horizon while his body seemed to be cut from it's puppet strings. Johannes even added scratches to his own face to make it seem like he dug himself out of the ground. Seregor smiled when he saw Johannes. I don't know how much was volunteering because when Seregor motioned for Johannes to get closer, Johannes quickly stood by his side.

"Took you long enough." Seregor admired Johannes. That bastard. Johannes said nothing in response, he just continued to stare.

"Johannes?" John cried. Johannes did not even turn to look at John.

"He's no longer the man you knew, he is mine now." Seregor claimed.

"You won't take anyone else. I won't let you." I voiced, I tried to hold myself together as I saw Seregor being too close to Johannes.

"I don't care what you will and will not allow me to do. I already took your strongest soldier, the rest is just a domino effect." He said carelessly as he walked away from Johannes and towards Henrik. I saw Johannes give us the secret signal and we stood very close to Henrik.

"No." I stated as I gripped Henrik's wrist.

Johannes began to enchant the curse low enough not to be heard easily. It was working until one of the shadow figures seemed to put two and two together. Johannes materialized his twin blades and threw them at the figures. One of them dropped to the ground for a second before getting back up, they took out the blade from their chest as if it was nothing. Fuck.

"You really think you can kill them? They're already dead, I thought you knew better than that." Seregor declared as he stared Johannes down. Johannes dropped to his knees and clutched his chest.

"My serum is still coursing through you, how did you survive?" Seregor asked Johannes as he inspected his face, Johannes was struggling to breathe properly and couldn't respond.

"No matter." Seregor turned to us.

More shadows behind Seregor materialized and they charged towards us. Johannes quickly casted a protection spell, it only seemed to have worked for a bit until the spell broke. The creatures were clawing at us to get Henrik away from us but we fought with everything we had to stay together.

"Henrik!" Tim shouted as he was dragged away from the group.

"Tim!" Henrik desperately cried as he tried to grab his hand again. I saw a portal open and Johannes threw himself at Tim to force the creature to let him go. I through my knife at a person's leg who tried to blindside Henrik. John swung his axe at one of the creature who were running straight to him.

We were fighting to keep Henrik by our side and the odds were not in our favor. Johannes cried as he fell to the ground before a familiar figure, Johannes backed away in fear as he escaped through a portal, the figure did the same. I turned around and Henrik was gone. Tim's face was bleeding and John was fighting to protect him. I ran to look for Henrik, please don't let me lose him too.

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