New Land

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-Warning- Medical inaccuracies, transplant, pain.

*Johannes's POV*
The first thing I saw were fluorescent lights above me and a white ceiling. I panicked when I felt a plastic tube under my nose that's helping me breathe but then remembered what happened to me. How am I alive? I started to sit up until I felt pain shoot through my bandaged shoulder and chest, I immediately laid back down. The sudden spike in the heart machine woke up John who was sitting at the foot of my bed. John had half his face bruised and scratches throughout his arms.

"Oh thank god." John breathed out.

"Are you okay? Where is everyone?" I asked.

"Jonas went to the restroom, Henrik is with Tim right now. Tim suffered burns on his arms which will completely heal but he has a head injury, the doctors said he will fully recover from that too." John informed me. Not even a minute went by when I saw Jonas come through the door. When he saw I was awake he quickly tried to hug me without hurting me further.

"I thought you were dead." John sobbed into my hair.

"I don't know if you knew but I'm pretty hard to kill." I joked.

"Yeah, we've noticed. Still don't want to tempt fate any longer." Jonas joked back. I stopped myself from saying anything when I saw the bruises around Jonas's throat and a bandage sticking out from under his shirt.

"I'm fine." Jonas made me look at him.

"You nearly weren't, all of you could've died." I deadpanned.

"Henrik, John and I are fine. It's you and Tim that we were worried about. Tim kept spacing out and forgetting things fairly quickly, but he's gotten better and back to his old self. He's still struggling with holding objects because his hands are still healing, Henrik has been helping him with physical therapy." Jonas told me.

"How long have I been unconscious?" I wanted to know.

"A month, they had to intubate you because your heart was barely beating on it's own. Hell, the doctors had to perform surgery because they needed to transplant a new heart." Jonas said as he looked like he was trying not to fall apart.

"Does my family know?" I questioned.

"They do, they've been visiting you nonstop. Your older sister and brother had to leave three days ago back to their home towns. Your parents and younger brothers left yesterday because they couldn't miss school anymore." John told me.

"I'll have to call them to tell them I'm awake then." I wiped my tears from my face.

"Yeah, you do." Jonas responded. Jonas continued to explain what happened when I was unconscious, John just filled in with more information. They also told me of our l alibi so when the cops came that I could tell them that version. I don't think the truth would allow me not to end up in an asylum. An hour must've gone by until I fell asleep from the drugs in my system.

*Jonas's POV*
Johannes fell asleep with my hand in his and I began to thank the heavens that he woke up in the first place. The memories of waking up to doctors rushing into the room with the monitors blaring red were stuck in my head. I have no idea of what was said when Johannes's mom cried in her husband's arms. All I remembers was hearing emergency heart surgery. I never felt more helpless in my life.

"He's okay." John reminded me.

"I know." Responded as I stared at Johannes.

"I'm going to let the nurses know he woke up earlier." John told me as he left the room. I heard footsteps behind me, I turned around to see Henrik and Tim coming into the room.

"Hey." Henrik greeted.

"I heard John tell the nurse Johannes woke up, how is he?" Tim asked.

"He's okay, he was aware of what was happening this time. He was even talking." I responded.

"That's great! At least brain damage is not a concern anymore." Tim cheered.

"How are you?" I asked them.

"I'm fine, I was told that I'm doing better in physical therapy." Tim smiled.

"Yup! Even got a nurse's phone number." Henrik teased.

"Hey! You're just jealous because she's hot!" Tim teased back.

"Oh shut up." Henrik smiled as he kissed the side of Tim's head.

"When did this happen?" John crossed his arms with a raised eyebrow.

"In physical therapy, Henrik was so jealous that he just blurted out how he was a better match for me. We talked it out and things evolved from there." Henrik lightly pushed Tim away when he mentioned the nurse.

"I'm happy for both of you, it was about time you got together." I poked fun at them.

"Your heart eyes were seen from a mile away at this point." John joked.

"Why didn't you say anything?!" Henrik asked.

"You'd deny it." John and I responded in unison.

We talked for a while until the nurses had to kick us out so the police could interrogate Johannes. We waited in the waiting room for the interrogation to end. A nurse came out of Johannes's room to tell us to go easy on him because he was vulnerable right now. I guess he played his cards well. Johannes has tears stains dried on his face and was trying to stop himself from shaking.

"Are you okay?" I stupidly asked him.

"No, it hurts." Johannes sobbed as he gripped the railings of his bed. John went to find a nurse. I tried to comfort Johannes but nothing I did eased his pain. A nurse went into the room and injected something into his IV bag, within moments Johannes's eyes lost focus and he fell asleep again. I stood by Johannes's side and quietly soothed him, it's the most I can do right now. I just hope all of this is over soon.

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