Let It Burn

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-Warning- Temporary death
*Jonas's POV*
A week has passed since they took Johannes, a week of no one daring to sleep without trying to track him down. Everyone has dark circles around our eyes and our social media isn't helping as they want to know if Johannes is okay. The police seems to be losing hope and our manager doesn't look optimistic either. We are currently staying in Henrik's house since it's the biggest house between ours and we don't want to risk losing one another. I haven't had the energy to think of anything nor play my guitar. Nothing fills in the silence anymore, usually we have Johannes causing chaos in the background or absently singing along to a song. I really do miss him, we all do.

"Not all is what it seems." I heard a voice tell me. I didn't think much of it until I heard banging on the front door. I opened it to see a frantic woman trying to say something in a language I don't know. She grabbed my wrist and lead me outside, thankfully the rest of Avatar followed me. The woman was crying and I can tell she's desperate for help. That is when she stopped in her tracks, her once brown eyes where turned white.

"I have finally found you." A man came into view, he was dressed in all black.

"Who are you? Why did you bring me here?" I asked.

"You're so polite dear brother. Don't you remember me?" He lazily smirked.

"Brother?" Henrik exclaimed from behind me.

"Oh the vampire is here! How rude of me, my name is Seregor and I am here to negotiate a deal. You come with me or I take another one of your minions." Seregor casually said.

"No." I sternly stated.

"No? Did you not see what happened to the last guy? Oh no, you didn't. How clumsy of me. George, bring him here." Seregor commanded. My stomachs dropped to the ground when I saw Johannes's limp and broken body being tossed to the ground in front of us like he was nothing. He had black veins underneath his pale skin and he was so cold to the touch.

"No, no, no, no." I cried as I brought him up to my arms, I sobbed as I held him close. What broke me was that there was no breath against my skin or a rise and fall of his chest.

"He had an alternative, he just chose death." Seregor faked pity.

"You killed him!" Tim shouted.

"Still, I have no use of him now. But I will warn you, this will happen again if you don't come with me." Seregor assured.

"You better chose soon." Seregor turned his back on us and left alongside the woman.

We were left sitting on the floor trying to grasp into Johannes's body. John tried to get him to wake up but failed. His blue lips and blackened veins just confirmed our fears. They even painted his stage makeup on him.

"You can wake him up. Just reach into his mind." A voice instructed. I half expected to tell it to fuck off but I couldn't stop myself from trying.

I opened my eyes and saw a wide field with wheats growing hazardously and a lake off to the left, by the lake was a giant willow tree. There was someone sitting beneath the tree, they were reading a book. I ran up to him and noticed it was Johannes, but something wasn't right about him.

"Took you long enough my King." He looked up at me with a wide smile.

"I'm not your king, I'm just Jonas." I told him.

"Jonas, King Kungen. All the same. I was honestly expecting you to come sooner." He was getting cocky.

"You're dead." I bluntly said.

"Oh no, he's not dead. You see I put a curse on him to slow down his heartbeat to the point where he looks dead. It also stopped the venom from taking over long enough for you to help him. Look, I had to get him out of there and if Seregor thought he was dead then he'd have no use to him, I was just hoping he'd take your Johannes to you." He explained as he leaned the book on the tree.

"What do you mean my Johannes?" I questioned.

"I'm the original Johannes, the one that is from Avatar Country. The whole concept you and your band supposedly made up were just memories. Our version of you died and at first Seregor was ecstatic to have gotten rid of you but he learned that he can't be as powerful as you were without you being alive. Your powers were codependent on one another. That is why he wants to get you back to Avatar Country." Johannes looked tired and rusted.

"Why take our Johannes?" I asked.

"Because I am really powerful, I am the only one that can project my consciousness across dimensions on my own. Despite that power I have to be in hiding. He has found multiple versions of me and killed them before they could do anything, this is the only way I found that could've kept him safe. He thinks that if he injects Johannes with his venom or serum like he wants to call it, he can replicate me." Johannes explained further.

"How can I wake him up?" I said as I tried to digest the new information.

"You just need to find him and you'll know." Oh now he chooses not to be helpful.

I turned to look around the field, when I turned back to by previous position Johannes was gone. I freaked out for a moment to realize he wasn't my Johannes. I ran around the field until I tripped hard to the dirt.

"Jonas! You gotta be more careful." I heard Johannes run up to me. When I looked up at him, he had a worried expression on his face and he helped me up.

"Johannes, is that you?" I inquired.

"Yeah, who else would I be?" Johannes joked, I just pulled him into a tight hug. I dug my fingers into his shoulders, too scared to let go.

"Jonas, what happened? You're scaring me." Johannes tried to hide his fear terribly.

"I'm sorry, I just- I thought you died and here we are. I'm here to wake you up." I said as I wiped my tears off my face. Johannes looked at me as of trying to determine if this was a joke or not.

"Jonas, you know I love you right?" Johannes asked.

"Yeah." I was starting to get scared.

"Whatever happened to me is not and will never be your fault, none of you are to blame. I trust you more than I'll ever trust anyone else, if this doesn't work then I want you to know that you tried your best." Johannes said as he held both my hands. He smiled widely at me as he led us deeper into the field.

"I love you too." I said as the world faded to black.

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