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𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐲-𝐎𝐧𝐞


─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

"h-hey." Noye smiled awkwardly as she stood at Hyunjin's doorstep in the midst of pouring rain. 

Hyunjin's jaw could grow any more wide. "Noye...what are you doing here? Its raining cats and dogs outside!" He said, absolutely serious.

Noye chuckled. "Of course you would say that.." 

It was only when Noye coughed out blood that hyunjin had realised that the woman had a deep wound onto her side. "OH MY GOD NOYE! WHAT IS THE HELL IS THAT??! GET INSIDE QUICK!" He quickly grabbed her arm, sliding it onto his shoulder and helped her inside.

Noye cringing as her blood dripped onto the white carpet while Hyunjin carried her to the sofa. "Hyunjin this is not a good idea..i'm gonna dye your couch red. Maybe i'll just leave-"

 "ARE YOU INSANE?! NOYE- YOU COULD DIE RIGHT NOW!" He choked out whilst rushing to get tissues and bandaging. It was only when she noticed how he'd been trying hold in his tears that she'd realised that he was not kidding.

He inspected her wounds throughly yet carefully. The way his eyes widened the more he looked at her wound while more blood gushed out of it, she could understand that she'd underestimated how much her body could tolerate.

He tried his best to calm himself down before talking to her. "Noye, okay i'm going to try and stop the bleeding. Please cooperate with me." He cut off part of her clothes to get a better view of the situation, only to take in multiple sighs visibly worried.


"Its kind of hard not to think about it when everywhere i look, its my blood.."

With a bandage wrap between his teeth, he began to disinfect the wound. 

"woah woah WOAHH...THAT..IS A SHIT TON OF RUBBING ALCOHOL.." She bit her lips holding in the pain and grabbed Hyunjin's arm while he observed the wound, trying not to pass out. 

"I'm so sorry Noye, but please hold on.." He teared up. 

"Oh this i- it doesn't hurt at all- like trust me absolutely painless process for me :)" The woman said, tearing up as well.

"Ok Noye, I don't think first aid is going to be enough for your wound. I've tried my best, but this won't be enough."

"You're telling me you till now it was just first aid and not a full ass surgery you just perfored on me?! heavens.."

"I'm sorry Noye, but i'm going to have to taking you to a hospital."

"Hyunjin, i love you, but you cannot take me to a hospital. I'm telling you it is not going to be good for me in any possible way other than physical. Father will find out and then..."

"Noye, I absolutely cannot let you leave like this! this is barely holding up the wound from not getting infected! i am going to take you to a hospital, whether you like it or not."

"And how are you going to do that, hah?" she spoke, rowdy.

He took her in his hands, princess style, leaving her dumbfounded and her face reddened. "Like this." 

"W-Wha- let go of me! i told you i can't-!"

Hyunjin did not seem to forget the seriousness of the situation and the concern on his face was very visible. Noye was embarrassed for taking the situation granted for being delusional as she wiped the blush off her face.

"P-papa?" a tiny voice echoed from behind the two.

"Ohh Miyeon..oh..what should i do about you?! i-"

Miyeon audibly gasped as she took in the scene. "What happen to Noye? why is there blood on-"


 Noye looked into his eyes to see to see the distress and despair while he tried think of an answer to shield the young girl's mind. She hadn't realised how much the trauma and endless responsibilities had taken a toll on the man's mind. For someone who used to have barely anything to care about, she'd though people with so many responsible were pathetic and only knew how to worry. She'd realised that having an innocent child's life intirely depended on him wasn't very easy. 

"Miyeoniee..hi i'm just not feeling very well. Hyunjin's going to take me to a hospital since i can't walk on my own very well, is that okay with you?"

"Mhm." She nodded.

Noye grabbed her phone out of her pocket, typed out something and slipped it back in her pocket. "A pretty lady about my age will come to babysit you in about...3 mins, okay. And she'll also bring three different flavours of pizza for dinner. Until then, i want you to go to your room and lock the door okay. Remember that puzzle i gifted you? It would make me happy if get to see it complete after i come to see you once i get well. The lady will help you too and play your favourite music and you two have a fun time, okay!"

"Okay." Miyeon tried her hardest to smile innocently. "But..how will i know if its the lady? Papa told me not to open the door to stranger."

Noye smiled. "Clever clever girl. Ask her to say the magic password. If she replies 'sweet mimosa and honey cakes' you can let her in." 

"Okay Noye! get well!" The little girl gave a quick smile before running to her room and locking the doors. 

"Hang in there! i'll need to see that finish assignment before i'm back with ice-cream!"

"ICE CREAM!" The girl's muffled laughted came from behind the locked doors.

Noye now turned back to Hyunjin, who had a tear falling off his face. She giggled. "Why're you crying. You've raised your daughter well. Be proud." 

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