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Chan found himself hesistating at the sight of the happy family he could witness through the upper balcony window. A father playing with his baby whom was held by the mother. You couldn't miss the way eyes widen in the realsation of the task he had to do today. 

"Does that sight make this 'errand' any more appealing to you?" Noye questioned emotionlessly as she took notice of Chan's reaction.

"What do we do about the-"

Noye cut him off, knowing exactly what he'd say. "You know very well if we ask father, he'd undoubtedly ask us to kill the baby as well. He would consider that innocent child a witness." 

Chan's gaze fell to the ground as he lowered his head in despair. Despite the fact that he had fully accepted the fate that was his tie to this mafia family, he still found it heavy in his heart to see a sight such as this one. 

Noye hadn't found raw emotions of other people very affecting, but she was strong on what was most morally right. 

In either of these peoples' differing perceptions, the baby did not deserve death. 

Neither did the parents, but that was another side of the coin which they, as ruthless assassins, couldn't consider.

Noye couldn't bear the grueling silence any longer. "So are you going to do it, or not."

Christopher turned to look at her like a switch in him just flipped on. There was no more confusion or despair in his eyes, but rather a strong goal to fulfill which he has already decided on. "We'll spare the child." He muttered while he planned ahead with his eyes.

"Just so you know, Whatever it is that you've decided, count me out."

"Are you sure?"


"very well. i'll meet you right here after i'm done."

Noye watched as the man dissapeared into the darkness of the night and towards an entrance of the house. She sighed as she simply waited for the chaos to unravel. And surely enough, it came soon. 

Loud gasps and screams errupted for a second before its decreased to silence once again. Noye had assumed Chris has pulled out his blade by now and held it by one's neck. a moment later a loud wail erupted and was silenced once again. the only sound that remained was the shrill cry of a child. 

Christopher had immediately retracted back to where she stood as promised. A streak of blood remained on his face as he panted for breath. "Lets go, Noye. The child is fine." 

Noye sighed before reaching for his face and wiping the side of his face and they left the crime scene.


"Hope you're happy, father." Her glare on her father drilled holes in his back as he stood facing towards Chan, completely ignoring the woman. 

"You didn't even do anything, Noye. You have no say in this." He only muttered to her before turing back to converse with Chris with a proud smile.

She only scoffed, arm folded to her chest, at her father's dry reply. The young woman surely had been driven into madness often by the cruel antics of her father. All she could've ever done was simply spare the lives of few that were in her control during the missions assigned to her.

She remember those day when she'd recieve the same proud grin from the same man after she'd finished off her victim and returned. It was basically what she lived on. that appreciation. It was the only emotional reward she had gotten as a child.  Except she realised it was nothing but a trap that drained away her own being. She then no longer craved for that feeling but rather rejected it as a whole. If there was one reason why she could keep her head up and steady in any situation, it was this ultimate decision to reject all inner emotions as a whole. 

So she felt bad. She felt bad for kind people like Chan would do anything for the ones he loves and owes to. But she could only watch as he blushed at the appreciation from the older man. She heaved a deep sigh before leaving the room. 


The pang of guilt that lead the woman to return back to that house in order to leave the baby at an orphanage or so, later doubled when she found herself dumbstruck to see another young man holding the baby tightly in his arms and weeping. 

Something about him struck her hard emotionally. The way he gripped onto the baby, tried to shush her to sleep and shield her from the bloody sight infront of the two whilst he kept himself from crying.

This display of raw emotion could have driven away all her stubborness if she had stared even a second longer. Noye found herslf gasping hysterically when she felt a tear slip down her cheek. She wiped it almost immediately and moved away from the from the scene as she could. 

Why did she cry at that? was it out of frustration? due to that man's nerve to cry like a child when she'd for so long told herself adults shouldn't cry? Or was it the situation he was in? did he feel bad for that man whom found himself  in an almost inescapable situation? a baby in his hands and both parents covered in a pool of blood..

It disgusted her either way. It disgusted her that she was so moved by that. When she was sucessful in holding up a facade of an emotionless woman. She was disgusted by herself that she was affected by that mere sight.

She could only push that scene into the deepest depts of all the memories she held. Amongst all the people she brutally murdered, amongst all the righteous that she had no choice but to end. That one moment that burnt her insides. It was now deep in her mind, nowhere to be found.

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