𝗜𝗜 - 𝗔𝘄𝗮𝘆 𝗙𝗿𝗼𝗺 𝗛𝗼𝗺𝗲

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[A/N]: Hello, reader! Looks like you're interested in this, huh? Glad you are! Of course, working on this is not my first priority, but I'm very content that Orochi has been received well thus far. Once more, if you have suggestions, ideas, interests, questions, and more, I'd be happy to answer. Please don't expect you to always follow [Y/N]s point of view, however. Sometimes switching viewpoints is rather interesting and I hope I can convey that!

Also, before this preamble concludes, I just watched EMESIS Blue and I recommend it. Bloody genius it is. Anywho, on with it.


With head resting against the window of a vehicle, you watch as the world you once knew and grew fond of began to fade away into unfamiliarity. Growing up in a somewhat reclused section of the city meant that exploration beyond it was very, very awkward.

"Kid, you're alright?" [F/N] Imugi, your father, inquired, looking over at you as his car idled in front of the crimson light. His hair was black as the night and swept backwards and off to the right, hair shiny and sharp with the amount of product and hairspray used. If he were to fashion it into a point, he could probably stab someone with it.

"Worried." You responded, eyes glancing at the numerous office buildings before you looked down at your phone, the picture of Baek-Hyun and Seon-Ok smiling while arms are draped over you with an irritated expression across your face."

"Missing your friends?" [F/N] asked rhetorically, watching you give a halfhearted nod.

"You'll keep in touch if the screams from the computer last night are anything to judge by." [F/N] responded with a hearty laugh, your exhausted mother shifting in the passenger seat as the light turned red and he put his foot on the pedal to push the car forwards.

"Fair 'nough, and that was Baek-Hyun, not me goddamn it."

"Language, [Y/N]." Orochi mumbled, his form vanished but his thoughts present. That was always something you found weird about that being.

Orochi was an enigmatic figure, one that looked like a Japanese ninja, but had the skill of warriors of legend like Hercules or King Leonidas; a true warrior through and through. But, the myriad of abilities he possessed stumped you. Some sort of odd aerokinesis or electricity generation, combined with the ability to telepathically communicate with you alone and the spectral armory and agility made him a unique threat, one that truly made him sound mythological, but he existed, somehow.

[F/N] rolled his eyes as he continued, the hustle-bustle of the streets dimming as the flourish of emerald greens began to sprawl outwards from the city. Of course, being in a major metropolis meant the closest international airport was a rather quick drive, but the traffic never made it easy.

"Besides," [F/N] continued, "you'll always be able to contact us, no need to worry."

"Yeah, yeah, you're right, just homesickness I guess." You responded halfheartedly, a content smile creeping it's way across your face as you looked down at the phone again, this time smiling. Perhaps Baek-Hyun and Seon-Ok would visit Japan some day if you were to formally get accepted into U.A. If not, well, as Seon-Ok stated, it's just another story to tell.

"Dad," you began as you looked around, the silence permeating while your mother mumbled something in her exhausted state. "do you think I'll get into U.A.?"

"Hahahaha! Of course you will. Orochi and you make a devastating tag-team not even Burnout could defeat!" [F/N] supported, even if his statements might be hyperbolic in nature, certainly Orochi and you could go toe-to-toe with Burnout if enough training is done. Speaking of training, the soreness of being thrown into tatami mat floors and being smacked with wooden and bamboo weaponry was really starting to take it's toll. Reaching into your backpack, you pull out a half-filled bottle of tylenol and downed two of them, using the nearly-empty bottle of orange ramune to wash it down.

Orochi [My Hero Academia X Male!Reader]Where stories live. Discover now