~ Eyes On You: Han's POV ~

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~ Han's POV: Part One ~

Han was standing in the living room with the rest of the members, waiting for the new staff member to arrive. JYP had informed Chan that he had hired a personal assistant for you guys. Chan had gathered everyone together and let you all know about the new girl. He didn't give much details except for that she had a very impressive background, and JYP was hopeful that she would be able to manage the guys well. He scoffed at the memory. He knew that JYP was only trying to find ways to push the guys harder but without suffering from it. Han was secretly hoping that she might be able to intervene and find better ways to manage the schedule. Maybe now, there will be more breaks. He sighed.

His ears perked up when he heard the elevator signal that it had arrived. He watched as the doors slowly opened to reveal the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. He could feel the air around him charging with electricity, and suddenly he felt like he was hearing the roar of the ocean. His heart was pounding so fast that he wondered if any of the guys could see it beating out of his chest. But then she settled her beautiful eyes on his.

Han felt like he just got zapped by lightning. He smiled as he marveled at the intensity of this new feeling. She stood still, almost like she was mesmerized by the same force that was assaulting him. He tilted his head curiously, excited by the prospect that she was feeling the same way. All of his senses tuned in toward her as soon as she started speaking.

He waited until the other members introduced themselves before finally walking up to her. He almost regretted extending his hand out to her as soon as she laid her hand in his. Her hand was so soft and warm that he didn't want to let go. As he introduced himself, he could tell the effect that he had on her. He smirked as he watched her shift uneasily. He moved to stand next to Lino and waited for her to speak.

He smirks when he hears Y/N say relationship. He had never been more interested in developing a close relationship with a girl until now. As he contemplated that, he knew that this spark ran deep. He wanted more. And he was going to make sure that he would win her heart.

Some time later, he was standing with Lino and Felix having a quiet discussion. Lino glances at him with a slight smirk.

"So what do you think of our new personal assistant? You seem to have taken a liking to her..."

Han cast his eyes sideways to check if the staff or crew were nearby. Felix lowers his voice as he added,

"Yea. You haven't stopped staring at her since she walked off the elevator." Felix chuckles as he notices Han shift nervously.

Han glances quickly at Y/N who was standing with Hyunjin and Chan. He felt a small pang of jealousy when her laughter rang across the room. He wanted to be the one making her laugh.

"I hope that she can help us convince JYP to let us have more down time. She seems like the convincing type."

Lino exchanged a quiet glance with Felix who smirked.

"Whatever you say, jagi."

Lino chuckles as he walks over to join Hyunjin, Chan, and Y/N. Felix glances at Han, who is still watching Y/N.

"Man, you've got it bad. Come on, it's time for us to start shooting again."

Felix took Han by the arm and walked over to join the rest of the group. By the time filming had wrapped up, it was time to eat. The staff had ordered food and left for the night, leaving the members to continue getting acquainted with Y/N. Felix had discreetly guided Y/N to a seat in between Han and Lino. Every time Y/N's shoulder brushed up against his, his whole body would come alive like an electric current running through a wire. She kept glancing nervously at him.

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