~ Give Me All Of You: Han's POV ~

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~ Han's POV: Part Four ~

Early that morning, Han had gone to talk to Chan and Changbin about Y/N. He told them that they wanted to go public with their relationship, but he told them that he wanted to do it slowly to protect Y/N's job. Chan didn't think that it would be a problem, considering that they were well experienced by now in dealing with relationships and announcing it to Stays. Changbin agreed and assured Han that they would help him move forward in regards to JYP and publicity. Han was relieved and thanked them for their support and help. Chan smiled and congratulated him and said that he wished them happiness. They then joined the rest of the members in the dining area for breakfast.

Han smiled as soon as he saw Y/N trudge in quietly. Even though they had been up late the night before, she still looked energetic and bright. He motioned for Y/N to sit next to him. Now that she had agreed to not keep their relationship a secret anymore, he wasn't going to hold back. As soon as she sat down, he leaned over to whisper in her ear. All the members knew what was going on so they didn't seem surprised. However, he did notice a few of the staff members' look of confusion and whispers. Han wasn't worried. He knew that he along with Chan and Changbin would be able to take care of it if a complaint arose. The rest of breakfast was spent in easy going conversation.

Later that morning, Stray Kids had a fan meet. Han was listening quietly to the girl, who was sitting in front of him. She was trying to drop hints and flirt with him. He tried to keep his annoyance in check. He loved Stays, yes, but he was focused on Y/N now, and he didn't want anyone else. He wasn't sure how much longer he could pretend. He didn't like the feeling that he was leading some of the more hopeful Stays. When time was up and she moved on to Lino, he glanced over and winked at Y/N. It was a habit. Whenever he was thinking about her, he would wink at her, and she would smile. It always lifted his mood. She asked if he was okay. He chuckled at her ability to read his every mood. He nodded and told her that he was just tired, which was half true. He was tired. But he was tired of hiding his feelings for Y/N. He couldn't wait until they got past that barricade.

When the fan sign was over, they all went out to a karaoke station for a few hours. Han told Y/N that she should sing. She had tried to shyly decline, but the members managed to convince her. He was pleasantly surprised when he heard her sing. She had good vocal range. And from what his ears could distinguish, he was pretty sure that she would be able to carry her own with Seungmin while harmonizing. He made a mental note of that for the future. He had several songs that would be perfect for them. Chan had said that he would send the video to Jimin Park and warned him to keep a hold of Y/N in case Jimin tried to steal her, He had halfheartedly joked that she wouldn't leave him to which she replied seriously that she wouldn't because she was loyal to him and Stray Kids. He seized the opportunity and asked her to be his girlfriend. His heart danced when she accepted.

That night when they got back, she had been making her rounds with all the members, doing her last minute check-ins with them. Han was always last as they always spent a bit of time together before separating and going to bed. But tonight, he didn't want that. It had been too long since he held Y/N and fell asleep to her deep breathing. So when she came in, he told her to go and get her pajamas and come back to his room. From now on, she was sleeping right where she belonged, in his arms. She had been surprised but smiled bemusedly as she left and came back with her pajamas. From that night on, she fell asleep in his arms. He loved waking up to her every morning and seeing the sunlight dance across her face and long, silky hair.

One morning he woke up and realized that Y/N had gotten up early and was showering in his bathroom. They had only gone so far as making out and occasionally a few fondling under clothes, but that morning when she came out wrapped up in nothing but a towel, wet hair curling around her face, his restraint had reached a snapping point. She had froze and looked shyly at him. Explaining that she had heard a lot of commotion outside that morning, she had decided that it was better to get ready in his room and come out looking like she had just gone in and checked on him. Most of the staff knew already, but she didn't want to go overboard and rub it in blatantly in front of them. He smiled and nodded in understanding. Han had said that he needed to run out really quickly and grab something to drink. Once he walked out of his room, he quickly ducked into the nearest empty room and tried to calm his rampant thoughts down.

At the end of the week, Han had done a live with Y/N off camera. He kept making Y/N laugh silently, and he wanted nothing more than for her to join him during it. He was positive that Stays would love her as much as he did. He noticed some of the comments flashing on the screen, asking who he kept looking at and who was making him laugh. A lot of Stays thought that it was Lino. He smirked as he saw them. If they only knew...that night, he had given her a matching bracelet set that he had discovered while searching online. She had delicate wrists, and he thought that it would suit her perfectly. He also wanted to mark her as his.

This was Han's way of communicating. He had learned from watching others that possessiveness and jealousy never helped relationships so he tried to find ways to control it and release it in constructive ways. One of those ways was exerting gentle dominance and giving thoughtful gifts. Y/N had the uncanny ability to understand that he presented a certain side of himself to the world, but he needed to assert his true side to her. Because if he didn't, the two would cross over again one day, and he would end up being back to his old self. And he couldn't go back there again. It was a matter of balance, and Y/N knew how to balance it and shifted easily to whichever side he was on. That was one of the reasons he loved her. That was how she met his greatest need.

That night when he held her, he was struck by how much he wanted to see her every night and every morning. And he couldn't hold back anymore. He needed her, and he needed her tonight. He wanted all that she was and all that she had. She had already captured his heart and mind and soul. And he wanted to return it all back to her. He wanted to connect with her in every way possible. When he had asked, and she had said that she was all his, his heart raced. She was his for the taking, and he was going to take all of her. Afterward as she laid in his arms, snuggled up tightly against him, he felt complete. And he knew. She was his heart, his safe haven...his home. He had finally found his soul mate.

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