~ Love You Forever ~

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~ One Year Later ~

It was early April, and everyone was gathered in Malaysia for you and Han's wedding. Once again, you all were granted a week off by JYP to enjoy the festivities. All the ladies had gone ahead a day earlier in order to wind down and relax. Wren had brought Tae along with her. Since Suri and Gisele were still breastfeeding their newborns, it was decided that it would be easier to keep them with the mothers. You and Han had blocked out huts for each of the members to ensure that everyone had room. Right now, all you girls were in the adjoining hut with the kitchen and living room.

"So did all the kids go to sleep easily?"

You murmured as you poured sparkling waters. Wren came up to help you.

"Yes, Tae passed out quickly. Poor guy was exhausted from the flight."

Gisele and Suri joined you both.

"Hye-Jin was a bit fussy, but I just fed her, and she went right to sleep. I think that she's teething again."

Suri took a sip as she closed her eyes to enjoy the peace and calm.

"Binna has been fussy for a week now. She finally cut her tooth yesterday so the worst is over for now."

You smiled as you glanced at all the tired mama's faces.

"That's why tomorrow morning...we are all going to get spa treatments. Facials, manicures, pedicures, and massages. You three deserve to be pampered."

Wren gasped.

"Y/N! It's your wedding week! We're supposed to be spoiling you!"

You laughed as you went to sit down on the couch next to Isabella and Skylar. Skylar was the newest addition to the group. Lino and Skylar had gotten married five months earlier. It was a lively and fun wedding.

"Don't worry, girls. Skylar and I have things lined up the rest of the time. She's just going to take care of you tomorrow morning, then it's all about her after that."

Isabella winked as she took the glass from you. Wren, Suri, and Gisele joined you three in the living room. Wren smiled as she looked at you.

"So Y/N...it's been an eventful year for everyone, but especially for you. We had that scandal...you decided to be self managed, and you're becoming more of a songwriter along with Han. How do you feel now when you think back over the past year?"

You leaned back thoughtfully as you remembered the past year.

"I'm not going to lie...that scandal was probably the scariest part of my life. I really thought that I would lose Han...and all you girls."

Isabella snuggled up to you, hugging you gently.

"Never. You should have seen all the guys. They were so worried about you. I don't think that you know how truly loved and cared for you are. Especially us girls."

Wren nodded her head as she smiled.

"She's right. Since I've had more time with the members than most of you girls, I got to know Han really well. And once he set his eyes on you, we all knew that you were the one."

Gisele smirked.

"Han's heart wasn't the only one captured that day. You captured all of our hearts."

Everyone was quiet before giggles started spilling out.

"Geez, Gisele, did I miss the memo on sappy moments or what?"

Wren murmured wryly. Gisele stuck her tongue out playfully before she replied seriously.

"I do have my moments sometimes. I think you girls forget that I am married to an artist. They tend to be emotionally and mentally deep."

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