~ Marry Me: Han's POV ~

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When Han had made his way back to their house, he was surprised to see Wren. She was snuggling with a sleeping Y/N along with Isabella. He smiled as they gently pulled themselves away and quietly tiptoed out of the bedroom. Once they were standing in the hallway, Wren finally spoke.

“Did you guys come up with a plan?”

Han nodded as he ran his hand over his face. It had been a long morning, and he was tired and tense.

“We did. How was Y/N?”

Isabella sighed as she glanced at Y/N.

“She cried herself to sleep, Han. It’s killing me seeing her like this…”

He grimaced.

“What I don’t understand is how did we not know about this? Normally before news breaks out, there’s always a request for an interview or a statement. But as far as Chan and I know, there was nothing…”

Wren murmured with a frown. Han shook his head.

“I don’t know either, Wren. Hopefully that’s one of the many questions that get answered.”

Isabella nodded.

“Let’s not worry ourselves too much over it. I’m sure that everything will turn out right in the end. We need to stick together and hold each other tightly. That’s what family is about. Y/N doesn’t have any family left. She needs us more than ever. And I for one am not going to abandon her.”

Han’s expression softened with gratitude at Isabella’s words.

“Thank you, Isabella. I’m grateful for all of you girls and your friendship with Y/N. I know that she loves each one of you very much.”

Wren smiled gently.

“And we love her just as much as well. We’ll do anything to protect our own…”

As soon as the girls left, Han slid in quietly next to Y/N and pulled her softly into his arms. She snuggled against him sleepily and sighed in her sleep. Han studied her beautiful visage as tumultuous thoughts ran through his mind. Wren’s words bothered him. He was just as curious too about how they were completely blindsided. He closed his eyes as he tried to clear his head. After a bit, he felt Y/N start to stir.

Han opened his eyes, and his heart tightened at the fear and hurt in her beautiful eyes. His arms tightened around her, pulling her closer to him. He asked how she was feeling. She answered as she left the bed and went into the bathroom. Once she came out, he beckoned her toward him. She fell into his arms and snuggled him.

Han told her that Chan and Changbin had smoothed things over with JYP, who was going to stand with you and back you up. She had worried about the Stay’s reactions. He smiled as he grabbed his laptop and showed her all the outpourings of love and support Stays were giving her. His heart lightened when he saw the relief wash over her face as she read each message.

Han frowned as he reminded himself that she needed to talk to her father. He had wondered if her mother had known. There were so many strange coincidences with Y/N that he suspected that she had an idea. But how much, he wasn’t sure about until they both got the full story. Han voiced his thoughts to Y/N. She looked thoughtful for a moment before determining that she would call the family lawyer.

He and Y/N had been surprised to hear that he had paperwork to prove that her wealth was hard earned and clean. They had set up a meeting in the morning to get the whole story. The next morning, they found themselves in the lawyer’s office. Han hadn’t been prepared for the news. And he could tell that Y/N wasn’t expecting it either. But it was the best type of news that would separate Y/N from the man who had raised her and his crime.

Once they headed back, Han had contacted JYP, who then met with the company’s legal team and publicity team. Once they drafted up a statement and released it, all the media circus died down quickly afterward, and Y/N was safe and clear of the scandal. Han released a big sigh of relief.

A month went by and soon it was Y/N’s birthday. Han smiled as he knocked on Lino’s door. Lino opened it and smirked when he saw Han.

“Let me guess…you’re here for the ring?”

He nodded. Several months ago, Han had gone to a jewelry store and worked with a jeweler to create an engagement ring for Y/N. They had called him a month later so he could pick it up. Han had asked Lino to hold on to it until he was ready to propose. Lino had grinned and happily stored it away in his house for him.

“I’m going to propose on her birthday. It’s time. I’m ready.”

Lino nodded as he smiled.

“I think that we all are.”

Han smiled as Lino chuckled.

“Thank you, jigayi, for keeping it safe for me. I’ll see you later.”

Han had decided to take her out on a late night picnic and propose to her. Once he had proposed, she had accepted it happily. When they arrived home, they were greeted with warm hugs and smiles along with murmurs of congratulations and well wishes. Later that night, after they made love, she fell asleep in his arms. He studied her sleeping face in the dim light of the moon. He marveled at her beauty; she was his, and she was going to be his for the rest of their lives. Han loved her deeply, and he continued to fall for her each day as it passed. This was what happiness meant to him. This is what gave him meaning in his life.

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