~ Pinned: Han's POV ~

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~ Han’s POV: Part 3 ~

Han, Lino, Felix, and Y/N had decided to go to the beach for the day. Han couldn’t decide if he was grateful or frustrated from seeing Y/N in a bathing suit all day. It was the first time he had seen more of Y/N’s skin. He watched Felix and Y/N play with the waves for a while. Every time she laughed, his heart tugged. And whenever she turned and smiled at him, he would melt even more. Between the heat from the sunshine and from her gaze, he was surprised that he hadn’t overheated yet. He chuckled to himself as he sat quietly next to Lino. After a long day of playing and relaxing at the beach, they finally trudged back to the residence after a picnic dinner on the beach.

Han walked into the bathroom and spied Y/N. He came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist, resting his chin on her shoulder. He could still smell the salt water mingled with sweat and sunscreen. A pang of apprehension hit him. He wasn’t sure how he was going to be near Y/N and not be able to touch her or hold her once they arrived back. He met her eyes in the mirror and asked if he could hold her. She had noticed him thinking and asked what was on his mind. She looked so beautiful standing in his arms that he was struck with the sudden urge to kiss her. But he was afraid to because he knew that once he started, he would want to kiss her as often as he could. And he wasn’t sure how he was going to be able to do that without anyone seeing when they arrived back home. He started to tell her but thought better of it. She turned around and faced him. He scanned every feature of her face until he couldn’t hold back anymore.

As soon as Han’s lips met her, he was hooked. Her lips were so soft and pliant; when they parted, it was all the invitation he needed to slide his tongue inside and swirl it around with hers. Needing air and to cool his raging need, he pulled back reluctantly. She was going to be the death of his already fragile constraint, he thought wryly as he laughed breathlessly. When she asked why he thought that she was dangerous, he replied seriously but humorously to help lighten the mood. She had teased him, lifting his mood slightly and even more when she suggested a secret code. He was intrigued by that thought.

Ready to lay down in bed with Y/N and cuddle her body close to his, he had pulled her toward it and fitted her body against his. As he kissed her, he felt the corners of Y/N’s lips curve upwards into a smile. Curious as to what she was thinking, he asked her. When she bit her lip, his desire for her sharpened with a pang. She had demurely avoided the question. He liked being challenged, and she was challenging him.

He crushed her lips against his and released a little bit of his self-control. He didn’t want to move too fast because he knew that he wanted a long-term future with her. He needed to tell her that although he desired her, he wanted to move slowly. She had wanted the same as he did. He hugged her and snuggled her close until he fell asleep.

When his alarm woke him up in the morning, his kiss lingered for a bit, trying to store up the memory of the feeling of her lips to tide him over until he could kiss her again.

Several months later, Y/N was granted a room at the dorm by JYP. He had noticed the hecticness of the back and forth and thought that it was best for the group and Y/N to be housed under the same roof. Han was happy because it allowed him to be able to sneak in a few cuddles and kisses easily since she wasn’t restricted by time anymore. It wasn’t easy between all the member’s random schedules. However, all the members did their best to help Han whenever they could. He was grateful for their support and understanding.

One night, when she was walking down the hallway to her dorm, he happened to hear her footsteps. He reached out and quickly pulled her into his room. She had been startled, so he clasped a hand over her mouth to keep from making a noise. He pinned her against the closed door. Her eyes slowly changed from surprise to bemusement while he removed his hand and started kissing her deeply. They kissed for a few moments before he released her. She straightened her clothes before stepping out of his room and disappeared down the hallway with a bemused smile.

Tonight, the Stray Kids were performing at a fanmeet. As the song ended, Han pulled his in ear out while glancing backstage. She looked beautiful tonight, and his heart tugged at her smile. He winked at her before turning back to Stays. After the performance, once they got home, and Y/N finally made her way to his room, his impatience was getting the best of him. He missed holding her and listening to her breathing at night. He wanted to be able to kiss her whenever he wanted. Han decided that he wanted to go public with the relationship in the dormitory. She had agreed as well, which relieved his tension somewhat. He debated having her fall asleep in his arms but thought better of it. He needed to talk to Chan and Changbin first. They would be able to help him protect Y/N from JYP along with him. He kissed her good night and playfully swatted her on the way out of his room.

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