Chapter 5

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  Minho looks at me not saying a word. He laughs a bit knowing I can't see his smile that is hiding behind the helmet. "I thought you wanted to play it safe. You should probably rethink.." I cut him off. "I'll figure something out. I'll talk with my parents again I'll bring up canceling the arrangement, I'll figure something out." Minho takes his helmet off and holds it at his side. " Are you listening to yourself right now? I know what your parents are like, you have told me about them once. You really think your parents are just gonna drop this arrangement?" I also take off my helmet and hold it at my side. "Let me do this oh my gosh!" I grab his shoulder and gently shake him. "Don't get me wrong I'd drop everything for you but, this seems almost impossible to do." "I said I would figure something out." He puts on his helmet and turns back around. "Ok then lets date. But don't go back on it. I don't plan on letting you go this time." I smile and put my helmet back on. "I don't plan on going anywhere without you." He takes off and drives me back "home." Home. What a strange way to describe that house.

  Minho stops a few feet from the gate again before kicking down the bike stand. "I'll see you again tomorrow I hope." I return the helmet and nod. "I'm missing you already." Minho smiles and waits till I enter the gate before driving off. My phone starts going off as soon as I get in through the door. I open the group chat and read the messages.

Local street Children

Felix-I can do this weekend sign me up

Seungmin- Where at?

Chan- Changbin hb ur place, its bigger

Changbin- K.  Jisung better not break my lamps this time

Jisung- Supply me with alcohol and I won't

Chan- U can't legally drink!?

Jisung- FIGHT ME!

Seungmin- Leave him alone old man.

Jeongin- Chan can you help me with math again. Its not making any sense to me.

Felix- I got the answers lemme send them to you.

Chan- omg are you guys cheating?

Felix- sharing is caring.

Changbin- Yaah, reunion this weekend, everyone brings their own alcohol. I'm not supplying addiction.

Jisung- say good by to your rich bitch lamps then.

Chan- Say hello to community service.

Seungmin- LMAO

Jeongin- Minho, should buy us alcohol.

Minho- I lost my ID can't do it.

Chan- Finally, someone with common sense.

Minho- wait nvm I found it. ^^

  I laugh at how chaotic the guys are. Making my way up stairs still reading the messages I'm broken out of my trance when Daniel speaks up. "What's so funny?" I look and put away my phone. "Nothing just Yeji sending me memes." I realize that I didn't give Minho back his jacket and I immediately break into a cold sweat. "Did you come home and change?" Daniel looks at me noticing that I was not wearing the red cocktail dress from dinner. "Where did you go?" He eyes me suspiciously. "No I changed at the shop. I had a spare set of clothes there from when it rained last month and I just forgot to bring it home with me." I try to avoid eye contact with him as I proceed to take off the jacket and hang it up in my closet, making sure to hide it between my own winter jackets. Daniel seems to buy my act and just shrugs it off. "Guess the dress was uncomfy for you. Sorry to hear." I shake my head and make my way towards the bathroom. "Not at all. It was just cold outside so I changed to warm up a bit. Anyway I'm going to get ready for bed. Good night." I shut the door behind me and wait a couple minutes before turning on the water.

After my bath I open the bathroom door and scan the room to make sure Daniel is either asleep or not in the room. Sure enough all the lights are off except for the lamps at the bed side and a slim figure lays under the sheets. I found it odd that he was spending the night but decided to shrug it off and act normal to avoid suspicion. I look for my phone, once I find it laying at the coffee table I turn it on and send Minho a text.

Y/n- Hope you got home safe. I'm going to sleep now. Good night.

Y/n- Daniel is spending the night home apparently so plz don't answer.

Y/n- I'll see you tomorrow. ❤️

  I place my phone face down on the night stand and climb into bed praying I don't wake Daniel up. After a while I drift off to sleep.

Morning rises faster than expected. I'm awakened by the sound of the curtains being pulled opened and the balcony door open, letting in a fresh autumn air. I sit up straight and stretch a bit before observing my surroundings. "Good morning sweetheart. Did you sleep well?" I turn to face Daniel who is walking back into the room. "Yes I suppose I did." He picks up his coat which is resting on the sofa and makes his way to me. "Glad to hear." He gives me a slight peck on the lips and walks over to the door. "I asked Laura yesterday to make breakfast for both of us. It's been a while since we last had breakfast together. I'll meet you down stairs." He disappears out the door leaving me dumbfounded. His behavior is odd. He normally never sleeps at home, rather he spends most of the time out of the house. I grow suspicious as I change out of my pajamas and into some casual clothes. I walk down stairs and take my seat at the dinning table instead of my regular seat at the kitchen island. "Not working early today?" Daniel looks up at me and shakes his head. "Nope, I freed up my schedule just for you." I pour some orange juice into my cup and poke a piece of cantaloupe with my fork. "How thoughtful." I eye him suspiciously but he doesn't seem to notice as he takes a sip of his coffee cup not giving a damn.

  "I do however, have to meet with my parents later this evening. You got any plans?" I set my fork down and think for a second. That's right the get together is today. "I do actually, Yeji and I made plans for us and our coworkers. Our brand has made a lot of progress since we opened so we wanted to celebrate with everyone." He nods and goes back to enjoying his coffee. "Congrats on that. I'll have a congratulatory bouquet sent to the shop sometime later today." I nervously laugh. I know something is up but I act as if nothing is going on. "Thank you." After a while, we finish our breakfast and go about our day. "I'll be gone for the weekend maybe. I'll say hi to mom and dad for you. I'm sure they'll be sad you couldn't make it." I nod and accompany him to the door. "Thanks. Drive safe." He smiles and pulls me in for a quick kiss before walking out the door and to his car. I close the door and turn around to walk up stairs, quickly wiping my mouth with my sleeve. "Miss Y/n." I am stopped by Laura. "Yes Laura, how can I help you?"

  Laura looks at me and around the room as if looking to see if anyone is around to hear us. "Miss Y/n. I don't know what is going on with you and that man you have been seeing frequently. It's really non of my business but I overheard Mr. Daniel speaking to two of the gate security guards this morning when I was collecting the mail. Please be careful. By the sound of it, you could be in serious trouble with your parents." I stare at her shocked. Clutching onto my necklace as tight as I could I walk over to the sofa and sit down. "Did you hear what he said?" Laura walks over to me keeping a couple feet of distance, fearing to sit next to me. "He sounded upset, I couldn't hear much about what he was warning the men about but I was able to hear that he wants to limit your access to leaving the premises." I chew on my thumb nail as I pay close attention to the information given to me. "You mean to tell me I am to be caged in like some dog?" I stand up visibly angry. Laura steps back a bit and looks down at the ground. "I fear that may be the case. He mentioned to me that he'll spend more time at home and make sure to keep you company." Laura bows at me before leaving the living room and occupying herself with her daily duties. I sit there. Not knowing what else to do. I sit in silence with no one to comfort me but myself.

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