Chapter 6

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I wake up from my nap and check the time. 7:00 Pm. I get up and start to get ready. I walk into my closet and start looking for an outfit. I decide on a pair of dark blue denim jeans paired with a plain cream fuzzy oversized sweater and some black knee high sock boots that have a small heel. I style my long hair into a ponytail letting my curtain bangs loosely fall at the sides of my face. As usual I finish off the look with light makeup, primer, light gold shimmery eye shadow, light blush, highlighter, reddish lip gloss and mascara. After I finish I make my way down stairs. "Laura. I'll be back soon. Please let..." I remember that Daniel isn't here at the moment. "Nvm. Have a good night." She nods and accompanies me to the door making sure the cab is here for me. "Yes Ma'am be careful." She gives me a worried look. "I will. Thank you." I walk to the cab and get in. "Yellow wood province 1016 Cle 2 Ave please." The driver nods and takes off.

I walk in and greet everyone. "Y/n. Happy to see you." Jisung pulls me into a hug and leads me to the patio where everyone else is at. All of them greet me with a smile. Felix pulls up a chair for me. "Thanks you guys." I take my seat and settle down. "You managed to escape huh." Yeji brings me a drink and sits down next to Hyunjin. "Escape? You under lock down or something." Chan turns his attention to me causing everyone else to look my direction, concern in their expressions. "I'm a fucken dog now. Get me another shot please." Changbin laughs and hands me a bottle of soju and a shot glass. "It's that bad isn't it." I push the shot glass aside and take a large swig from the bottle. "Its terrible." Felix pulls the bottle away from me and signals me to take a breather. "Unfortunately you can't drink your problems away. Just breathe in, and out." He makes an inhale and exhale motion before placing the cap back on my bottle. "Meditating isn't gonna help the cause dude." I place my hands over my face and take a deep breath before reaching for my bottle again. "I'm really sorry you have to go through this. I wish we could help somehow." Jeongin hands me a piece of cake before sitting down next to Seungmin. "Thanks. I really do appreciate the thought."

I look around hoping to spot Minho. "Minho not here yet?" "Yeah he went to the store for something Jeongin wanted. He'll be back soon." Seungmin let me know of his whereabouts then resumed to pay attention to his phone. I nod and start eating the slice of cake instead of drinking my soju. A few minutes past of small conversing when Minho walks into the patio. "They didn't have Blueberry so I got you Coconut." He hands Jeongin a monster and takes a seat next to me. "Thanks" Jeongin quickly opens it and nearly chugs it. "Slow down your gonna choke!" Chan hands Jeongin a napkin so he could wipe the drink that ran down his chin. Everyone laughs at the two and continue to make up conversations. Bringing up happy memories and funny ones. Everyone is having a good time, serving each other drinks here and there. As the night progresses we all get more tired and slowly minimize the chatting. Yeji and Hyunjin are leaning on each other already asleep, Felix and Jeongin left not to long ago. I stand up and help clean up before I also take my leave.

"It was great to finally get to hang out with you guys again. I should really get going." The ones that are still awake wave goodbye. "I should get going too." Minho looks over at me before waving good bye to the guys. "Should I take you home." I look down and sigh. "Do you really want to?" Minho laughs and shrugs. "No, but I guess your gonna make me anyway." I laugh and play with a strand of hair. "Is that offer still up for grabs?" Minho gives me a mischievous smile. "Your really risking it all tonight aren't you?" I walk closer to the door. "Life with no risks is not worth living." I open the door and make my way towards his bike. Taking my rightful seat and placing the helmet on my head, I patiently wait for him to exit the house as well. It does not take him long before he caught up to me and starts the bike. The roaring sound of the engine echoes through the silent neighborhood and soon after we take off.

We arrive at Minho's house. He opens the door and holds it open for me to step inside. "I didn't know you moved neighborhoods." I look around as I am greeted with a large living room. The walls painted a modern gray and black furniture to finish off that modern house design. I turn towards the window and I spot a grand piano. "No way you know how to play this." I hear him laugh behind me. "I do actually." Under the piano I spot a grayish black tabby cat. Once it spots Minho, it comes out of his hiding spot and makes it's way to him. "Hey Dori." He sit down on the sofa and pets the cuddly tabby. I smiles and sit next to him. "Did you leave them with your parents while you were away?" Minho looks at me and nods. "Yeah I was a bit surprised when I came back, guess they really missed me." Two other cats join the party once hearing Minho's voice in the living room. One is a light orange with a white undercoat and the other one almost the same except it was a darker orange and a little less white.

I happily pet all three of them once I see them. And surprisingly they don't seem to mind me as much. "I'm sure your tired, I'll look for something you can wear to bed." He stands up and disappears into the hallway. "I'm sorry to bother you so much." He comes back with a change of clothes and hands them to me. "I don't mind. I'm alone here anyway so your company makes it not boring here." I smiles and stand up. "You can sleep in my room tonight. I'll take the guest bedroom." I shake my head. "What do you mean. Shouldn't I take the guest room?" He laughs and shakes his head. "I just moved in not to long ago so I haven't fully unpacked. I'll be ok don't worry about me. My room is the first door down the hall to the left." I nod and make my way to the room. I close the door and observe my surroundings. I scan all the pictures that are placed on the book shelve. I stop when I noticed a picture of Minho with his parents at I assume is his college graduation. Below it is a picture of him in front of a building. He is holding a bouquet of flowers and a certificate of some sort. I stop looking at the pictures and change into the t shirt and sweats he let me borrow.

I hear the piano making noise as I walk over to the door. I walk to the living room and listen to Minho play a song. The soft, melancholy melody putting me in a trance the more I listen to it. I walk over and sit down next to him listening to him play. I rest my head on his shoulder as he finishes off the song. "That was beautiful." He smiles and faces me. "Glad you liked it." We sit in silence for a couple of minutes before I speak up. " I never asked about your studies abroad." He plays with a strand of my hair before answering. "They went well. I got my degree in Architecture and now I pretty much have a part in many construction projects around New York." I sit up straight and fully face him. "Really? I thought you didn't like business?" He laughs and does that cute thing where he blinks twice and slightly scrunches his nose. "I wanted to study something that could possibly get me up on the social latter. I was never on the poorer side of society but to your parents, I was. So I decided to study something that could possible deem me worthy of you. That way, maybe your parents would approve of me and let us be together without there being any issues." Tears run down my face as I hear that last sentence. "Is...Is that why you left without telling me?" He wipes my tears and pulls me into a hug. "In a way, yeah."
I return a tight hug trying to hold back my tears. "When I heard about your engagement I knew I had lost. But hearing it from you, that you didn't agree with it, relieved me a bit." I think about what could have happened if I had left with him that day. I regret not leaving and starting on my own, without my parents watching my every move. Would I be happy now? I can't hold back my tears I begin to cry, my muffled sobbing bouncing off the walls. "Hey. What's wrong." I wipe my tears with my sleeve not daring to make eye contact.

"Minho, please save me from this hell I'm living."

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