Chapter 8

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I sit on a stool at the bar demanding the bartender to pass me another shot. "Y/n, I think that's one to many." Chan takes away my glass and passes it to Changbin. "Are you kidding. I haven't even lost count yet. I'm on my?...5th?" Chan shakes his head and signals the bartender to not give me any more drinks. "No. No don't listen to him. I'm paying. Me. Me paying!" I snatch my glass back from Changbin and chug it not wanting anyone to take it away from me. "Hey put that down. No more drinks for you. Get some water if your really thirsty." Changbin takes back the glass and sits back down. I tap the table and call over the bar tender. "Another Jack!" Changbin holds me down and shakes his head signaling the bar tender to not dispense me any more drinks.

  "What's going on." I turn around, watching Minho make his way to us. "Your here!" I stumble out of my seat, trying to make my way to him. "Oh my gosh I missed you." Minho catches me and helps me sit back on the stool. "Why is everyone being so boring! I want another Jack. I can't get another Jack." Feeling dizzy I stand up, trying to get the bartenders attention again. "Y/n Stop."

  "I want another drink. And no one can stop me because I said so! Waiter~ Another round." Minho picks me up, throwing me on his shoulder. I kick my feet screaming and throwing a fit like some child. "Put me down! I want to be put down. NOW!" I'm soon pinned to a wall, Minho trapping me between his body and this wall. Both hands barricading me on each side preventing me from leaving. "Your gonna make my choices for me too. Well I'm letting you know that I'm not doing it. You can't make me!" I yell at him. "Y/n, stop talking." Minho quietly warns me. "No hablo ingles, no se que dices!" Minho closes the distances between us and gets to my eye level. "Te calmas, O quires que te calme? Entendido?" I shrink back thinking I could separate myself from him. I stare at him, making eye contact with his lips. "Si señor." I whisper, hoping he heard me.

  He quietly speaks, looking down my face then back to my eyes. "Let's go home." He grabs my arm and helps me walk out of the bar. "We are leaving, see you guys later." Minho waves goodbye to the guys and leads me to a car. He opens the door and helps me inside. "I can't go with you." He buckles my seat belt and fixes my hair, moving the loose strands out of my face. "Get sober first and then I'll think about letting you go." I cup his face and kiss him. Catching him off guard, he takes a bit to return the kiss. He rests his arm on the head of my seat leaning in to deepen the kiss. After a bit he separates from me and closes the door, walking over to the drivers side and getting in. I turn to look at him, tears running down my cheeks. "My mom found out, she arranged the wedding to next week on Friday." Minho tightly grips the steering wheel, taking a deep breath and looking out the window. "How did she find out." He calmly asks me. "Daniel told her. He hired someone to follow us." I grip my hair holding back tears. "Y/n, it's gonna be ok." Minho reaches over and grabs my hand, gently holding it in his. "She knows who you are. She threatened me. I can't keep seeing you or else you'll just end up getting hurt." Minho slightly laughs, driving off. "I will be fine. Her threats don't scare me." He reassures me. "They don't scare you but they scare me. Please, for your sake and your career, lets stop here. I can't do this anymore." I plead him to consider my idea.

  We stop a few blocks before arriving at his neighborhood. "You want to stop seeing each other. because of a small threat?" Minho questions me, sounding a bit irritated. I look down at my hands, then out the window. "I don't want to hurt you. Or worse, someone hurts you because of me." I explain. Minho gently grabs my face and forces me to look at him. "I can't let you leave like this. Y/n..." I push his hand away and unbuckle my seat belt. "Lets stop here please. I don't know how much longer I can take of this." I see a hint of sadness on his expression. I look away and quickly open the door stepping out of the car. "Y/n...Wait." Minho follows me out, grabbing my hand stopping me from walking any further. "Leave me alone." My heart drops at the sudden action. "Y/n. You really want to throw all of this away. This is your happiness your selling." I turn to look at him. "Yes. I'm throwing it all away. I have always had to be someone I'm not just for the sake of the public. My life isn't mine. I.." Minho pulls me closer to him, planting a passionate kiss on my lips. "You won't ever have to pretend with me. Please Y/n. Please don't play with my heart like this." He places his forehead on mine, quietly pleading for me to reconsider.

  A tear rolls down his cheek. He rests his forehead on mine. "Is there any way I can convince you. Anything that will get you to stay?" He kisses me again, this time trailing kisses down my cheek to my neck. "Minho please. Don't make this hard for me." I attempt to back away, to which he just holds me tightly. "I will help you figure something out. I can't let you walk away again." I cup his face in my hands. "I can't. Not when your career is at risk." I look at him, tears running down my cheeks. He kisses me again trying really hard get me to stay. "Hey. ok I get it. Stop." I laugh at his constant affection. "I will be fine. Don't ever sacrifice something so important to save me." I nod, looking down at the ground. Minho leans closer to me whispering in my ear. "Let's continue this at home. Hmm?" He gives me a mischievous grin, as he leads me back to the car.

  We enter the house, instantly attacking each other with kisses. Minho lifts me up and sets me down on the flat surface of the piano. I gasp for air as he roughly takes my jacket off. "You're ok with this?" I nod and wrap my arms around his neck. "I want to hear you say it." He stares at me hungrily, waiting for me to answer. "Yes. I am." He smiles wrapping my legs around him and picking me up again. We enter his room and with one swift motion he closes the door and lays me down on the silky sheets. "I've missed you Y/n." I laugh, looking up at the sight of him blushing but still keeping his cool.

  "I missed you too.

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