Chapter 17

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It's already been a while since Minho left, where could he have possibly gone? I decide to not wait any longer and call him. Before the phone even rings, a message from Minho pops up on my screen.

Lee Minho

Minho- Had to stop by at the office, Mind coming over?

Me- Is everything ok?

Minho- Yes everything is fine. I'll send you the address.

Minho- *sent live location*

Minho- be careful sweetheart.

Sweetheart? What's got him in such a good mood. I brush it off and make my way out the room to the front door. A couple minutes later I am in the car and on my way to the location he sent me. It was strange that he asked me to visit him at the office. Could he need my help with something? I'm stopped by the officers patrolling the gate. "Ma'am, it's a little late for you to be out." He informs me of the hour. "Yes sir I know. Minho had asked me to meet up with him, so I am on my way there." The officer nods and takes a step back to let me through. "Thank you sir." I say before I drive off.

I arrive at the building the GPS took me to, driving across the street to the parking garage. Once I park, I call Minho to see where he was. There's a distant ring coming from the floor above me, the sound of a familiar ring tone. I follow it, curiously observing my surroundings as I make my way up to the third floor of the garage. "Minho?" I softly speak. I round the corner, stopping in my tracks as I see Minho and Daniel fighting in front of me. "Minho!!" They stop hitting each other, paying attention to me. "That's all it took huh? A simple message and you come running." Daniel keeps a smile on his face. "Get out of here Y/n. Now." Minho looks at me shoving Daniel away from him. I don't know if it was because they were fighting each other, or because I was now interrupting their not so friendly fist fight, but Minho looked at me with all the anger he had left in him. It was really something I have not seen. "No let her watch, so she can see how easy it is for me to get rid of you." Daniel throws a punch, causing Minho to take a step back to avoid it.

"You so desperately seek power, you forgot what its like to actually care for someone." Minho wipes away blood that is now dripping down his nose. "You are getting in my way. I'll get rid of you if it means I get to win!" Daniel grabs Minho by the collar of his jacket, holding him over the edge of the wall. "Stop it you two! Just stop it!" Panic sets in as I move closer to them. "Y/n, I said get out of here!" Minho yells at me. I stand still, not knowing what to do as I watch them battle against each other. "You are really doing the most aren't you." Daniel taunts Minho, shaking him a bit. "You still won't admit it will you?" He seethes out. "Oh, I'll admit it to you since you're about to die. All I ever wanted was my rightful seat as chairman. Y/n has always just been a tool to me. I've had to get rid of scums like you just to get where I am. I will not loose."

Minho pushes him off of him, laughing at Daniel. "And the agreement you had with Chromic, I'm afraid you kept some information from them." Minho insinuates, walking closer to Daniel threating him. "Of course I did. I did what I had to, to make sure I came out on top." Daniel says proudly. Minho smiles, backing away from him. "You get that, Seungmin?" He looks behind me, calling out to the younger boy. "And that's a wrap." Seungmin appears from behind the large concrete pillar, holding a camera. Chan also makes his entrance following him. "Choi Daniel, you are under arrest for fraud, and two accounts of attempt of murder." Chan walks closer to him, pulling out his hand cuffs in the process. "You have the right to remain silent, anything you say or do will be used against you in the court of law." Daniel backs away, looking around the area for an escape. "The only way out is if you jump. But of course, you won't do it. Coward." Minho walks over to me, pulling me into a protective hug. "It's over Daniel. We have all the evidence we need for your arrest." Chan states.

Daniel laughs, panicking at his slim chance of escape. He hits the wall, looking over his shoulder then back to us. "You will regret this." Chan grabs ahold of him, struggling to wrap the cuffs around his wrists. Daniel pushes himself off of Chan, loosing his balance due to the force he used to free himself from the apprehension. Before I knew it, he disappeared from the floor, and a loud crash echoed through the empty parking garage. I cover my mouth to prevent my loud screams from echoing in the building. Minho turns around, blocking the view, in hopes of calming me down. This was all to much for me to take in. There was so much going on, the room started spinning and I was starting to feel sick to my stomach. "Hey, it's ok. It's over now." His words sounded distant. I feel a heavy weight on my shoulders being lifted but at the same time, I'm being pulled further down into an endless pit of water. "Requesting back up on 311 Levanter St. Limbo Parking Garage." Chan speaks into his walkie.

I stand still, letting Minho pull me away from the floor and to the car. "Lets get home and rest. You weren't suppose to see all that." He says, placing a soft kiss on my forehead. I remain quiet for the remainder of the ride home. "Are you ok Y/n?" He asks. I break out of my thoughts, facing him. Was I really ok? There's so much that is going on, its honestly really overwhelming. "I've always hated when you would get into fights. It honestly worries me." Minho laughs, getting out of the car and accompanying me to the door. "Why should you worry. I fight to win, not because I feel like it." He rolls his eyes. "You could have gotten seriously hurt. Why do you always do this." I cross my arms walking inside. "I'm ok now, so try not to worry to much." He says. I nod and turn to face him, stretching out my hands to hug him. He laughs and accepts my hug. "So now what do we do." I ask quietly.

"We sleep. I'm tired."

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