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Fable POV- May 14th

When he was done with me he threw me against the wall and kicked me in the stomach. I continued to cough up blood as he walked away and slammed the door shut. "You can expect your rations tomorrow." He laughed walking away from me. 

I didn't care anymore what they did to me. I just knew I had to get away. When they take the cuffs off for me to eat, I'll push through and just run until I know I'm safe. I've run on broken ribs and punctured lungs before it will be nothing new. 

For now, I will try to regain some strength so that I can make it out of their territory. I will try to get some sleep. 


"Achlys get down here right now!" came a thundering voice from the bottom of the stairs. I hurried myself down there as fast as my legs would carry me. I stood in front of the person who screamed for me. I stared at the ground with my hands crossed in front of me. My red hair created curtains on either side of my face and I could see the person in front of me reaching towards my face. 

I flinched in surprise and earned a backhand in return. "That is not how you greet your father." He scowled in my face before grabbing my wrist. He pulled me with him as we entered his office. My head was kept down as always. I knew there was another figure in the room as I could feel their eyes on me. 

"Look at me Achlys." An unknown but older voice softly spoke to me. I lifted my head and looked at the older gentleman, he couldn't have been older than 45, certainly one of my father's friends. "My name is Sephtis. And I am your fiancé." He smiled at me as my mouth dropped in horror. I looked between him and my father, I was not pure anymore due to this monster taking what he wanted from me. 

My father's smile dripped poison. I noticed a little blue box sitting on the desk, he opened it to reveal a ring. "Wear this to show that you belong to Sephtis. He will be your husband." My mouth couldn't open any wider and I could tell my father was getting mad at me for the way I was handling the situation. "I-I can't marry him....he raped me, Father." I could practically see the steam coming out of his ears. "You weren't raped Achlys! He bought you. You are his to use however he wants." 

"How dare you?! I am not a slab of meat to sell to whatever predator offers you the biggest sum of money!" I couldn't hold it in anymore. I felt my tears streaming down my face but I couldn't do it. I saw my father stand up from his oak desk, his fists clutched so tight you could see his knuckles were whiter than white. He punched me square in the jaw so hard that I fell backward and slid a few feet. "You have no wolf. You are nothing but a worthless pile of  shit." 

Tears still streaming down my face, I gained my footing and ran out of the door to the office, down the stairs, and out the front door. Never looking back.


**May 15th**

I could hear the door opening and I forced my eyes open to a young woman with a tray and a doctor's coat. Luckily the tray only had bandages and food. I scooted further into the wall so that she thought I was scared. I widened my eyes and started panting heavily. My hands still pinned behind me I couldn't put them up to tell her I was scared but hopefully, my face will do it. 

"My name is Elethea. I've come to look at the damage these horrible men did to you as well as give you some food." She whispered to me and I pretended to become soothed by her words. "A-are you able to take the silver off me?" I stuttered to her. Her eyes widened in shock, I've been here for over 24 hours. Wolves are not supposed to have silver on them for more than a couple of hours at most. 

She ran out of the cell and I could hear her messing with some keys before running back and kneeling to my side. I turned for her to unlock them and move them into my view. The skin was completely burned off. I could see my muscle and inflammation from being in this infested room. Luckily the burning from the silver cauterized it so they were no longer bleeding. 

Tears were streaming down poor Elethea's face. I reached up and cupped her cheek. "Elethea. I promise I am okay. This is nothing compared to what I have been through. Once I get away from here you won't have to worry about me anymore." She slowly nodded her head and reached back for the bandages. She gingerly wrapped my wrists while making sure they were nice and taut. "Thank you Elethea. You are a kind soul." She nodded with a sweet smile gracing her face. She handed me the slice of bread and watched me struggle to swallow it. "Are you having some pain while you swallow?" She gently whispered to me. I nodded,  "My ribs are broken." I simply shrugged it off and continued eating. Her face had pure shock written on it.

"How are you still alive?" She whispered to me. "I've spent 19 years dealing with this pain. It's my nature."

She went to leave when I stood up and looked both ways, "Can you point me out of here?" She shook her head. "You cannot run away like that. You'll get caught. But I can take you to the hospital. If you go missing there, I can't do anything." 

I smiled at her and nodded my head. I wrapped one arm around her shoulder and appeared to be doubled over in pain. She started walking me to the pack hospital wing. 

A man stopped us and tried to take me from her arms. "No sir. She does not go anywhere but to the hospital for further testing. Whoever attacked her in her cell nearly killed her." He had a look of shock written on his face. I could tell from the power radiating off of him he has to be a beta or third. "Beta or third?" I pretended to cough at him. "Beta Raydon. Are you okay?" He wasn't like the rest of them. He sounded like he cared. 

"I'll be fine once the Alpha lets me leave. I'm just trying to get out of the area. I didn't mean to trespass." I whispered to the floor. I could feel him staring at me. "The Alpha is away on a business trip. He won't be back for a week." He put his hand on my back and I hissed in pain, prompting him to remove his hand. "Something tells me he just left." I looked at him in his deep blue eyes. He simply nodded as I sighed in pain. 

"Thank you. If I live long enough to meet him, just tell him to kill me." I could feel the shock of Elethea and the pain her tears conveyed. I could see Raydon's eyes glaze over as he mind-linked someone. He reached forward looking for a spot that was not covered in raw spots or blood, not finding one he dropped his hand. 

"He refuses to kill a young and wounded wolf." I chuckled at him. "Tell him I don't have a wolf yet, just barely living." I smiled back and reached for his hand, transferring the warm blood from my palm to his hand, "I won't be beneficial to his pack." He opened his mouth to talk but couldn't find the words. 

"C'mon Elethea. I think you have your work cut out for you with me." She simply chuckled and continued walking with me. I could feel the warm eyes following me down the corridor. 

Eventually reaching the hospital wing she gently laid me in a gurney and began to cut my clothes off my body. Leaving me in my sports bra and underwear, she turned to grab a washrag. She began clearing all the cry blood off my body, revealing all my bruises and open wounds. 

Once she finished clearing all the blood off of my skin, she began to bandage all the open wounds. She put me in a gown when she was finished, "I would like to run some tests on you. A blood test and x-ray to start. I want to see if you have anything in your system to be concerned about and I want to know if there are any bones we need to set so they heal properly." I nodded to her plan and stood up to walk with her to get the X-Ray done. 

As soon as I stood up, however, my whole world went dark. And I felt myself hit the cold floor.


Word Count: 1520

Thank you very much for reading the second chapter of my new story marking my return to writing! I have read many werewolf books in my hiatus and hope that I can make one as good as the people who have made the books I read!!

I will be working very hard on making this a strong story if you notice any errors that I don't catch, I would greatly appreciate any kind of help you can give me.

Thank you again! And I hope you enjoy the story.

We learned that our mysterious woman's name must be Achlys? Right? That's what people keep saying to her. Find out soon! Stay tuned!

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