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Daxton POV - May 18th

Elethea reached for the door and left the door wide open as she walked in. I took a big gulp as I started towards the tiny figure sitting in the bed. She looked up from her hands and looked me in the eyes. They quickly changed to pure gold and as quickly as they were gold, they were back to green. 

I could feel a breath hitch in the back of my throat as I stared at the pure beauty in front of me. Her red hair was long and wavy, it stopped midway down her back but it suited her perfectly. Her eyes were big and round, holding her perfect green orbs. I could see the pain sitting in the back of her eyes, the pain she tried so hard to hide. I just wanted to hold her in my arms and tell her everything would be okay.

Her lips were slightly parted as I walked into the room. "Alpha, it's great to meet you. I hope your business trip was beneficial." I nodded my head in a daze over her beauty and cordiality. I felt a slap on my back and saw Elethea shaking her head at me. 

"It was, thank you. But please call me Daxton." I smiled at her and she smiled back at me, I have never seen such a perfect smile. "Call me Fable." She held her hand out for me to shake. I walked up to her as slowly as I could, "I'm not gonna bite Alp-Daxton." She giggled. I took her hand and shook it.

She pulled her hand away as quickly as she could, no doubt feeling the sparks I had just felt. "Who are you?" She looked at me with her eyes squinted together as I took a seat in the chair next to her bed. "I'm your mate Fable. We were destined to be together." Her jaw dropped and I could see her fidgeting. "Fable, I can't let you leave our pack now. I couldn't stand to see you go." She looked me dead in the eyes, her lively green eyes now cold, "You have too Daxton. They will come back for me and they will not hesitate to kill you." 

"Fable," I took her hands in mine, "I'm never gonna let anyone hurt you, ever again." She pulled her hands away and shook her head. "Elethea, can I get up or am I bedridden?" 

Elethea walked over to her and checked her vitals as well as her reflexes, "You will need some assistance walking until your body regains some strength. Hopefully, your wolf can speed up your recovery." Fable chuckled at Elethea as she stood up."I don't have a wolf. She never showed up. Screw her." 

She held the bed as she walked around it to regain some footing before heading for the bathroom door. She looked as if she was about to fall but refused for anyone to help her. She closed the bathroom door behind her as I turned to look at Elethea. 

"How does she not have a wolf? Didn't you say she had to be 19?"  I mind-linked her.

"It must have been the abuse, what wolf is gonna want to come out when all there is to endure is abuse?" She looked at me with tears in her eyes, this girl must have been through absolute hell for this to happen to her.

I heard the toilet flush and the water start as Fable started washing her hands. "Does she have the wolf traits?" I questioned, how else would she have been able to live through this torture and silver did burn her.

"She does. She is truly exceptional." She smiled at me as the door opened and Fable emerged. "I told you bozos I didn't need any help." She giggled as she walked back to her bed and climbed into it. She was so tiny, 5'6 or 5'7 in height, thinner than a toothpick and there was barely a spot on her skin that wasn't purple or yellow from a bruise or that didn't have a scar from her abuse.

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