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**Fable - May 19th**

Our foreheads touched as I looked into his eyes. I mistook the look in his eyes for lust, but that wasn't what it was. It was love. He felt true unadulterated love for me. My eyes shifted around in circles as I tried to find other emotions in his eyes.

His hand still cupped my cheek as I leaned into his hand. My hand was still wrapped around the back of his head, tangled in his hair. He brought the back of my hand to his mouth and kissed it, sending electric shocks through my skin. "I've been wanting to kiss you since I laid eyes on you." He whispered to me, watching my reaction, all I could do was smile at the thought.

Someone wanted me. For me! Except Fable wasn't me. Achlys is me. The fear set in. His wolf loved the wrong me. Could I keep that side of me a secret? I shove all my feelings aside so that I don't ruin my moment.

I see the colors popping in his eyes, he has so much adoration for me and I don't know how he can hold that for someone he doesn't know.

As Daxton leaned in to kiss me once more, his eyes glossed over. Groaning, he pulled away and whispered, "I'm sorry, I have to handle this." he pointed to his head. It must be important if he's pulling himself away from my side. I nodded, trying to hide my disappointment.

Daxton stepped away to handle the issue, growling lightly as he trudged away from me. I watched him, feeling a flutter of nervousness in my stomach. What if it was rogues? What if they truly had found me?

The nervousness managed to leave my stomach but was replaced with pure fear. I hopped off of the counter and noticed there was a cabinet under the island I was on. I pried open the door, there was plenty of room for me to squeeze in and no one would find me.

I forced myself into the tight space and closed the door. I placed my hand over my mouth to stop from making a noise. I heard the door creak open and heavy footsteps come towards where I was sitting.

"We should've opened a window...." Roan chimes into my head. Mentally facepalming as I should have done that. But that may have also provided a way for them to get in. I heard the pace of the steps around the room quicken as they tried to find me. I heard closet doors being opened as a shaky voice screamed my name, "Fable! Where did you go?" I recognized it immediately and felt horrible for hiding for so long.

I felt the doors become pinned closed as he leaned against them in angst. Oh god. What did I do? I reached my fist forward and gently knocked on the doors. I felt the pressure against the doors instantly release and the doors slowly pry open.

"Oh kitten..." His chest purrs when his gaze reaches me. I shoved myself in here to hide. "I'm sorry..." I whispered, "I thought they found me." His head turns to the side and he cocks an eyebrow up, "Who?" His hand reaches mine as he helps me out of the storage doors.

I shake my head, "It doesn't matter." I shyly smile as the smoke alarm starts going off. I collapse to the floor with my hands over my ears, I have never heard such a painful noise. I can hear faint yells of 'I'm so sorry' as he heads for the smoke alarm. He manages to eventually pry it off the wall and yank the batteries out.

"The pizza," I whisper as my senses finally start balancing out. His head hangs low as it sinks in my dinner is now burnt. "I'll make you a grilled cheese." He smiles back at me as he sets me back on top of the counter. "It better be good." I retort. He glances over his shoulder as I cross my arms and raise my eyebrow at him.

"I hope I meet your expectations." He smiles back at me as I start looking around the room. I notice a strange black rectangle sitting on the counter. "Sorry to be a bother," I whisper as he looks over his shoulder, "What is this?" I point to the rectangle as he chuckles. "First, you could never be a bother. Second, that is my phone."

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