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**Warning the following flashback scene has graphic scenes of violence. If you wish to skip past it, please go to the next set of stars!! **

Fable POV - May 15th

My body felt as though it was floating. I could hear voices around me, but I couldn't respond. I felt someone pull my eyelid up yet I couldn't see anything. My whole world was black. The voices were starting to get muffled. 

I couldn't feel my chest rising anymore, I tried to move my arms so I could signify I couldn't breathe but my arms were like stone, so heavy and immovable. As I felt my body gasp for air, they pushed my mouth open and shoved a tube down my throat, suddenly I had some form of breath coming into my body. My eyes fluttered open and closed, I couldn't keep myself awake anymore.

The last thing I remember hearing before losing consciousness was, "Surgery." From an unknown voice.


I woke up that day on the cold concrete of my father's cells that he keeps for the pack prisoners. I looked down noticing that I wasn't dressed at all, this is the punishment that always left me crying and bleeding on the floor.

When the door creaked open I didn't even bother begging for them to not do anything. I didn't care anymore. They grabbed my throat and placed me against the wall. The chains that were bolted to the wall were made of silver, any wolf that touched that writhed in pain when it touched their skin. But it didn't even bother me anymore. 

"Are you ready for the best time of your life bitch?" The same man who has been violating me since I was 14 was in charge of this punishment. I simply shook my head, as I do every time, he slapped me across my cheek. It stung. I was glad to feel something today. 

I heard him messing with his belt to get himself prepped to "overpower" me. He always wore protection because he didn't want to be cursed with my children. Stupid little brats that aren't true wolves, he only says these things because I don't fight like the others do. 

I felt his cold breath on my neck as he tried to mark me, he attempts every time. He didn't find my sweet spot this time either. He kissed down my chest until he reached my thighs. Forcing my legs apart, he started his assault on my body.

I have to pretend to enjoy it, otherwise, he will cut me. I learned that the hard way. Once he was finished with his assault with his fingers he stood up and took one of my wrists out of the silver chains. He forced my chest against the cold cement walls and shoved himself into a place he did not belong. Screaming in pain, he had me where he wanted me. I attempted to thrash against him to get him away from me, but he forced himself in further. 

When he was finished with his assault, he released my other hand from the chain, my limp body fell to the floor. He kicked me in the stomach, chest, and head before tightening his belt around his waist and closing the door behind him. 

This is going to be the last time I let someone touch me like that.


May 18th

I woke up with my body feeling like it was heavy as stone. I felt something in my mouth, I tried to reach up to grab it but was stopped halfway by some soft cuff. I looked to my side to see Elethea, trying to grab her attention I moaned and tried waving my arms. 

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