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I wasn't too sure why San had asked me to come with him, especially since he was friends with Joong and the other guy there. But I didn't question him on it. I was too content to. 

And too high but that wasn't the point. 

I found a bit of a bounce in my step as I walked with San, feeling really happy for the first time tonight. I wanted to talk to him again and this was my chance. 

Sure, had I made things a bit awkward again back in the room? Maybe. 

Was asking him if he smoked a dumb question as he was a smoking? Also maybe. 

But right now I didn't care because guess who was walking beside San right now? That's right! Me! 

I couldn't help but smile, even if it was weird, I didn't care. I kinda hoped he'd just assume it was because I was high and maybe that made me smiley. It usually didn't but he didn't need to know that. 

I followed him up the stairs and he started checking in the rooms. I stumbled a bit and he caught me, my heart pounding in my chest. I wanted to hide my face, I wanted to smile so wide my cheeks hurt, and it was hard to resist because I was just so fucking giddy. 

Being pathetic didn't matter in the face of being close to your crush. 

"How much did you smoke?" He asked, steadying me. I leaned into him, closing my eyes as I felt tired. "Do you feel sick?" 

I shook my head, licking my lips, "No. Just tired." 

"Have you eaten anything?" He asked, pushing me at arms length to examine my face. 

I tried to think of what I had today, not being able to remember much. I ran out of ramen yesterday so...nope. I had nothing.  

"Nothing?" He asked, as if he read my thoughts. Did he? Or did I just speak out loud without realizing? 

"Mmmm." I hummed, trying to think. "I didn't have any food." It was a good enough answer for me because I didn't. As simple as that. 

It could be considered stupid to smoke as much as I did without eating at all today. 

Which it was. Very stupid. 

He grabbed my shoulders and pulled me somewhere but it was still too hazy for me to really process what was happening. I was fine, my mind was just a bit hazy and tired. Maybe a more than a little tired, but it wasn't bad or anything. Luckily I wasn't going to green out or anything, at least I hoped not. I still didn't feel nauseous, just hungry. So maybe I was fine. 

I suddenly felt his hands press on my shoulders and I was being seated on a bed. Again, these beds were too soft for me. What kind of mattress were these? Clouds? 

I pouted, looking up at him. His face was so fucking perfect it made me angry. How could someone look like that? How could someone have a facial structure like he did? 

"I'm going to get some food for you, okay? Wait here." He said. 

I grabbed his wrist, frowning. "I don't want to be alone."

His hand clutched mine, giving it a small squeeze. "You need to eat something, Wooyoung. I'll be right back, I promise." 

And for some reason...I trusted him. 

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