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I did promise him I'd be back quickly but I wasn't sure why I was going as fast as I did. I ignored everyone and everything as I went to the kitchen, grabbing some of the pizza that was still sitting there. I didn't even bother to heat it up as I was already bounding up the steps. I didn't think he would mind if the pizza was a bit cold. 

I opened the door to my room, shutting it softly behind me to not bother him. In the small amount of time I was gone, he was already laying down. 

I put the plate on my bedside table, gently shaking his shoulder. "Wooyoung, you have to eat something." 

His face fit into another pout as he cracked his eyes open. "I want to sleep." 

"That's okay, you will. Just eat something before that, okay?" If he wanted to sleep that was fine. I wasn't so worried that he had smoked without eating even though I knew it had obviously heightened the affects. As long as he wasn't sick it should've been fine. But in reality, I was just worried he hadn't eaten anything in general. 

Without really thinking it through, I found myself sweeping his long hair from his face. He was so beautiful. Even if his pout made him look innocent and child like, he was just so fucking angelic. 

"You're really pretty, you know that?" I said quietly, rubbing his shoulder. 

His eyes fluttered back open as he checked my expression. I didn't know what he was looking for but it didn't seem like he was going to tell me so I pulled him up into a sitting position, ignoring the loud groans he let out in protest. 

"Eat." I demanded, still kneeling in front of him. "Then sleep." 

He leaned forward, a lazy smile on his face. His face was only inches from mine and I could feel his breath on my face, the smell of weed and vanilla perfume wrapping around my senses. 

"I really like you when you're dominant." He said innocently. 

I clenched my jaw as I stared at him. I really wanted to cup his cheek and kiss him. My eyes slid down to his lips. 

At first I thought it was the weed that was clouding my judgment. It had to be, right? 

But the longer we stayed like this, the more I was sure that it wasn't the weed I was high off of. It was him. 

Then suddenly he was pulling away, putting some space between us as he leaned toward the bedside table. Grabbing a piece of pizza. 

I looked away, swallowing hard as I readjusted my breathing. Ah shit. Jongho was going to be pissed. 

After some time we only really had one rule with each other. 

Don't pursue each other's friends. If they were a close friend, they were off limits to the other. It just made things less messy. And I had always abided by that rule, never struggling with it. 

Until now. 

"Are you staying here tonight?" I asked, finally looking back at him. 

"I don't know, I haven't asked Jongho yet. I guess I didn't really think about it." He said, still eating the pizza. He looked like a robot as he ate it, like he wasn't really tasting. Just biting and chewing and then swallowed. Then repeat. 

"Well, you can if you want. You can use my bed if you want, I don't mind." I said. 

"Where will you sleep?" He asked. 

"After I kick everyone out, probably in the living room. Maybe the guest room." I answered. 

"You can sleep here. Your bed is big enough." He offered. 

I felt something in my gut twist, like what he said was some kind of punishment. I smiled at him, "It's okay. I'm fine with the guest room." 

I know he was only high but it still felt a bit weird. I didn't want to take advantage of the situation, especially after the realization of how I felt for the boy. 

I didn't miss the look on his face. Was he...disappointed? 

Maybe it wasn't that impossible. Earlier he had said he didn't want to be alone. Maybe he just didn't like it.

After he finished eating, he plopped back down, letting out a groan. 

"Are you comfortable like that?" I asked. 

"No." He muttered. 

I frowned, "Why not?" 

"Your bed is too soft." 

I blinked, a bit confused. "Oh, okay. Is there anything I can do?" 

He let out a long breath. "No." 

I squeezed his arm before standing. "Tell me if you need anything. I'll be down the hall, last door on the right, okay?" 

He nodded, curling further into my blankets. 


I was fucked. 

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