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 Jongho turned around once we heard the front door shut. 

"Jongho wait-" I said, running after him. "Let me explain!" 

"Explain what, San? Apparently I was just a fucking idiot because I thought you'd actually keep your promise." He was already going down the stairs, ignoring me right behind him. 

"I did not sleep with your friend! I wouldn't fucking do that, man!" 

"Then why the hell was he wearing your clothes? Where did he spend the night when I've already been awake for hours. He wasn't in my room, wasn't downstairs on the couch." 

I grabbed his arm to make him stop. "He got high last night so I let him crash on my bed, and I let him borrow some clothes so he could take a shower. That's it!" 

He looked at me like I was dumb. "Right, because Choi San just lets anyone sleep in his bed and wear his clothes. Do you think I'm really that fucking dumb?" 

"I was in the guest bedroom-" I tried to reason. 

"That's not the point, San. Whether or not you guys slept together doesn't matter. Why was he in your bed and wearing your clothes? You could've easily put him in the guest room instead, or my room, or the couch downstairs. It's not like he would've been uncomfortable. Hell, you could've sent him to his dorm to take a shower there. You can't tell me this doesn't look weird. You don't do that, not for anyone. If Seonghwa were staying the night you'd send him to the guest room."

He was right and I knew it and it fucking pissed me off. Because I could've easily put him in another room and sent him home in the morning. Not have him sleep in until the afternoon and let him change into my clothes. 

"You have barely talked to him, San. You told me you just found out his name yesterday. And you don't get to act like I'm the dick here because it was a two way street when we made that promise. We both did, not just me. And I know countless times I've been fucked over because of it." 

"I don't like your friend like that. I just felt bad for him." That was a huge lie and we both knew it. 

Jongho rolled his eyes, not believing me for a second. "I don't want you making advances on my friend. Not after what happened last time." 

It felt like a punch to the gut to hear him bring that up. "That wasn't my fault." I breathed. 

"I know it wasn't. But the first couple of times were. We made that promise for a reason because I was sick of losing my friends to you, and you didn't want to be fucked over like you were again." 

"Why do you automatically assume if something happened, you'd lose your friendship with him?!" I knew that was a stupid question because I had already known the answer.

"Because that's what happens, San!" He snapped at me. "The moment you get involved, they fucking ditch me! You fucking promised that you'd stay out of it. That doesn't get to change the moment you actually have an interest in one of my friends. That's not how this works. Just because it finally affects you negatively doesn't mean you can throw it out the window!"

"Nothing happened and nothing will happen. I know why we put that rule in place. I'm not going to fuck this up again, you can trust me." I decided that he was right, I didn't want to lose the relationship I had with Jongho. Only recently have we even started to get close and I know that was my fault. Ever since he moved in with my dad and I, he had always been extremely quiet and reserved. I never made it easier on him because I was always out with my friends and I had just started college. That promise was the reason why we even decided to become friends. 

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