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I kissed Wooyoung, pushing him onto the bed. He giggled, kissing me back. "Mm, San." 

"Yes?" I asked, not letting up. 

"San...fuck..." I smiled as he let out a moan when my leg was pressed between his thighs. "Shit...San-stop." His voice came out more serious, making me pause and look at him. 

"What's wrong?" I asked, getting off of him to give him some space. 

He sighed, pushing himself up on his elbows to check my expression. "My mom wants to meet you." 

My jaw dropped as I stared at him. 

"I know...I know it's probably a bad idea. I'll just tell her maybe another time." He said, second guessing himself. 

I grabbed his hand to stop him, "No, wait. I mean...is she sure? Are you sure? Is she okay with this, with us?" 

He gave me my favorite teasing smile as he tilted his head, "Are you worried?" 

"Of course I'm worried! Meeting parents is a big step!" His smile faded a bit and I sighed, squeezing his hand. "One I'd love to take. I just...what if she doesn't like me?"

"She's a pretty easy going person. I'd doubt that. I mean, I like you...why wouldn't she?" He said, leaning forward to kiss me but I pulled away. 

"When does she want to meet me? Where? Are we going somewhere fancy? Should I pay or should she?" I still rambled, my mind going crazy. 

"San, look at me." He said, finding my eyes. "Calm down. Take a breath." I nodded, doing as he said. "One, you guys can meet whenever you want. She's staying in town for the rest of the week while searching for jobs. So if it's after that then we will have to set up a date, so she can drive back. Two. I don't know yet and probably not. And three, she'll probably pay. She's not going to make you pay." 

"I can pay, you already said that she doesn't have much money and she's looking for a job-" 

"And if you pay, it'll probably make her feel worse. She doesn't like pity, San. I already offered to help her pay and she already refused. Believe me, she's stubborn." 

I smiled at him, relaxing. "Sounds like someone I know." 

His face lit up when he saw me finally smile. "Wow, you've been cheating on me already? And so soon?" 

I scoffed, shoving him back down. "I meant you, dumbass." 

He laughed, "Oh what, really? That doesn't sound like me at all. I'm neither dumb or an ass, so it seems like you have some explaining to do." 

"Mm, I think my mouth will be a little busy. Sorry." I answered, pressing my lips to his chest, making a soft trail of kisses over his skin. 

"Wow, the parent talk really got you horny." He said. 

It made me sigh as I pulled away, "Okay, nevermind." 

He laughed, putting his hands on my shoulders to stop me from leaving. "I'm joking! I'm joking!" 

"You always ruin the mood." I said, making him laugh again and this time I couldn't fight the smile I had. 

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