Chapter Two

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"Miss Forbes," a voice said

"Miss Forbes-Mikealson," I corrected

"We're ready to see you now," she smiled politely

I followed her down the long hallways, the white walls were filled with happy families. I wanted that more than anything, I wanted to have crazy Christmas cards and a cute dog that we picked out at the pound. I wish Klaus was by my side through this.

"Good morning Ms.Forbes," a woman in a suit said

"It's Forbes-Mikealson," I corrected

"You're married?"

"No, my fiancé passed, " I said quietly

"The same year as your mother," she pointed out

"Yes," I agreed

"Do you realize the responsibility of taking on a child at this age?"

"I do, I have a steady income and I own a house," I pointed out

"But what happens when you no longer have your mother's money? How will you support a child?"

"I'll have a job by then," I reassured the woman in front of me

"We've never had a case like this, we'll call you in a week or so with a decision," she smiled politely before a tall man showed me out.


I decided that I would start my own business, during interviews to employ an assistant. The adoption agency called.

"Mrs.Forte, I have to take this," I said as I held a finger up

"That's absolutely fine," she said politely

I stepped out of the office and into the lilac colored hallways.

"Ms.Forbes-Mikealson, this is the Southern Adoption Agency," a woman said sophisticatedly

"This is she," I sad in a sophisticated voice like hers

"You've been approved," her voice had a little excitement in it

"Thank you so much," I said gratefully

"We'll be meeting tomorrow over brunch to discuss some things," she said before hanging up

I excitedly walked back into the office, Rachel Forte was sitting there patiently.

"I'm sorry, that was the adoption agency. I've never seen a resume this amazing, you have so much experience and you seem sweet," I said

"I'm adopting a daughter, I hope that won't be a problem but I'll just call your references and see what they have to say before we confirm anything," I smiled huge

"I have been looking for a job but couldn't find one that suits me until I saw your ad," she said in her thick southern accent

"I figured why don't I start over with a new business," she said

"I know it seems crazy but I have faith in us, we'll both be doing what we love," I said with a smile

"I'll talk to you later Rachel," I hugged before she left the house

It was really lonely here, Klaus gave me his house and of course it was everything I wanted, but I wanted it with him. My dreams aren't truly fulfilled, with him so far away.

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