Chapter Nine

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"So are you going to give me an answer?" He had a concerned look in his eyes

"That's the thing, after I say this. It's up to you," believe me, marrying him would be a dream but he needed to know

"What have you done?" He asked

"Come on, I'll tell you," we went into a dark secluded hallway

When it was confirmed that no one was around I began to speak.

"I love you Ethan and I hope what I am about to say doesn't make you love me any less," I held his face in my hands

"Do you believe in supernatural things?" I asked

"Well as a kid I thought werewolves were cool," he said nonchalantly

"Well, I am a vampire," I said after taking a deep breath

He began to laugh.


"I am a vampire, I live off the blood of others," his eyes widened

"You're serious?"

"Very," I searched his eyes for something; anything

"So you're a mythical creature?" He asked

"But I'm real," I said

"So now the ball is on your court, do you want to marry me now that you know the truth?"

"Of course I want to marry you, but I want one thing," I knew where this was going

"Make me a vampire, I want to be with you forever," he grabbed my hands in his

"It's not easy, it takes work," I tried explaining

"I can't do that," I said

"Well then I can't marry you," as he said those words it felt as if someone had shot me

"You can't marry me?" I asked for confirmation

"I won't," he stood tall barely realizing how much this hurt.

I didn't care how much it burned, I ripped off everything that had vervain on him. I compelled him to forget I had even told him.

We walked out into the crowd of people waiting for an answer.

"I'm sorry but I can't marry Ethan," I hadn't realized how much it hurt to say those words.

Everyone sighed in disappointment, even Esther. I felt horrible but I couldn't do that to anyone, their choice or not.

It really sucks because I wanted him, beyond that. I wanted his personality; his goodness, caring heart, sense of humor. I wanted his smile, his laugh. I wanted every piece of him for the rest of his life. And now that I can't love him, it hurt.

He was apart of me and now that's missing.

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