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A flood of emotions came to Lucy. She was emotional,  confused,  terrified, and whatnot... But she was more anxious than any other thing. 

From the happenings of past few hours she was able to conclude that it was her birthday,  and she didn't belong here but after reading that letter she doubts her old intentions.  As the letter clearly states that the one who's birthday their on 26 March is stubiana and she is Lucy.

After calming herself down, she got back to her room to call and inform Ishmael about the letter.  She wanted mental support, which only her best friend could give,  and he was the only person who could help her with the confusion that the letter and the incidents had created.  As she can not disturb her parents for this,  she needs to be really careful before doing anything.

With lots of random thoughts roaming in her mind, she reached her room and called Ishmael.......

Ishmael pov

I was sleeping peacefully when my phone rang.. I was so annoyed and wanted to kill that person who called this hour of the day,  because of the things that happened at the party he was really exhausted and this phone call disturbed his sleep..

He checked the screen to know who called at this odd hour.. And after seeing Lucys name, he really got scared for her.... The worst thoughts came to his mind.... Is lucy fine?  Did she again get a nightmare? Is her health okay? 

He was thinking all of it when he realised that his phone had been ringing for quite a long time and he decided to pick it up..

"Hey,  lucy, what made you call me at this odd hour of the day?  Are you fine?  Did the nightmare again hitted?  Did you see something new in it?" Ishmael asked as soon as he picked the call up.  
"Calm down, boy,  it's nothing like that,  I didn't get any nightmare as I didn't sleep thinking about the things that happened today.  Also, I found something their on the shelf in that mysterious room. "Lucy replied.

" What is it?" asked Ishmael
Lucy asked him to meet her at their place in 1 hour than she would,  tell her everything.

After one hour...

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