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Lefty's POV:

It had been an hour since I had stumbled into my bar n' grill place. In that time, I had spoken to Vanessa, flipped off Freddy and downed 2 large bottles of blue WKD. In all honesty, I thought I was drunk. That was until I saw Monty walk in. ON. 2. LEGS!

"WHOA! Monty? Where did you get new legs from?" I asked, shocked.

"Calm down darlin', got them fixed up in parts 'n service. Got you some new ears too. Lets get down there before Roxy and Chica start banging again."

" Wait, AGAIN?! Since when were they a thing?" 

Monty chuckled. " You need to come out of your room more." I sighed

" Yeah Monty, I couldn't agree more to be honest with you, I'm barely present at my own bar for crying out loud!" I giggled.

" Well, you were there getting pissed about 2 minutes ago," He said " would've joined if I wasn't busy trying to find these legs in the golf course." I smirked. " Well, they/them first!" He said, holding the door for me. I walked into the protective cylinder, changing into my animatronic form in the process. The damn robotic arms always gave me the creeps. It was ever since that day me and Monty decided to get human counterparts.

Flashback ( 3rd person POV):

"This is your last chance, Lefty, do you want this?" My manager asked me. I sighed.

" For the last time Evan, yes I do. Now get it over with. I've not got all day ya know!"

"OK, If you insist . . ."

End of flashback

 I got out of the cylinder, shivering at the memory. The process hurt, a lot. Not that it mattered, It meant that I could do lots more now! Like eat, drink, have se . . . yeah, not happening .Yet. Monty noticed me deep in thought and was quick to snap me out of it.

"OI, LEFTERS! SNAP OUT OF IT!" He playfully yelled.

"Hey! Only little Afton can call me that!" I yelled back. Little Afton was what I called my manager. His full name was Evan James Afton, and he basically gave his dad the idea for me. Apparently, when he was younger, he asked his Mum to stich him up a grey female teddy bear and buy him some sharpies to decorate it. And Voila! Glam rock Lefty was born! There was obviously another lefty, but he was well, a guy. And gay. But I'm different! 

And once again, lost in my own thoughts.

I sighed and walked off. Of course I thanked Monty for helping and told him I owed him a free drink. After that I set off down the tunnel to my green room, playing CPR X Misery by Cupcakke and Marron 5. It may not be the best of song choices but if I wanted to play it, I will do just that! I started tidying my room up because I just know that the little shit Gregory will have to stay with us now since he has no parents. And who should come knocking on my door but Freddy!

" Lefty! Turn that inappropriate ruckus down please, Gregory is trying to sleep." He spat, not making eye contact.

" Whatevs, Fazfuck. Sleep well, I guess." I said back. Before he could think of a sarky remark, i shut the door.

" GAWD DAYUM I LOVE MY JOB NOW!" I yelled before going to bed.

Love after hurt Glamrock lefty x Montgomery gatorWhere stories live. Discover now